Download your One (really two) Page business plan Template.
You can print this or download the template.
Business Name:
Vision of Business: (keep to 50 words…Get “Start with Vision” by Gene Hammett if you want to create this in more detail)
Mission statement: (short and sweet message that describes your drive)
More depth to the Business:
The Purpose:
The Business:
The Value: (what do you provide to the marketplace)
The Business Model: (projects, by the hour, % of something, or other business model)
BIG Goals (SMART): (create 5 goals that are focused on next 1 year if business is new, up to 3 years if business is established)
1. Summary goal – then put details of goal that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound)
Strategies to Achieve BIG Goals: (this is marketing, networking, developing, resource attainment, etc. or said differently, What will make your business successful over time?)
1. Summary Strategy – then put details of strategy
USP (Unique Selling Position):
Price points
Total annual Budget: (includes everything, admin, accounting, marketing, technology, cell phone, travel, etc.) Put in one number here.
Annual Income for 2012:
Put in one number here based your estimates and goals
Income Projections:
Describe how you developed your Income Projections.
Capital Needs:
What is the amount you need to have to develop this business into your VISION? How are you going to get it?
(List what makes you ready and right for this business, certifications, training, experience, contacts, your strengths for this business, etc.)
Personal Growth:
(List what you need to build this business: Training, coaching, weaknesses…)
3 Month Action Plan:
What are your immediate action plans for next 3 months?