The 500th Episode

The 500th Episode: A Look Back At My Favorite Moments and Guests on the Podcast

WOW! Today marks the 500th episode of the show, and I am beaming with pride. I took a journey back at the past episodes and the fantastic guests that have been on the show. Best selling authors, amazing speakers, leaders in the trenches (pun intended), and so many get topics. Today, I am honored to share with you the 500th episode of the podcast. Join me and walk down memory lane. I might share some key episodes that you have missed.

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GTT Featuring Angelo Poli

Becoming an Energetic and Healthy Leader with Angelo Poli at Metpro

Your job as a leader requires you to have stamina and mental clarity. Your best strategy for increasing your energy and being a healthy leader is to focus on your nutrition. Recently, I started a journey to be a healthy leader for my team, my family, and mostly for myself. My guest today is Angelo Poli, founder of MetPro. They are focused on the science of transformation. We talk about why being a healthy leader is essential. We look at some of the mistakes we make as leaders. I dive deep into Angelo’s program for losing weight and transforming your body in today’s episode. If you want to be a healthy leader, tune in and prepare to be changed.

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Solo Episode 494 with Gene Hammett

Behind the Scenes: Developing Leadership Riturals

We have things we do each day that define who we are. Your leadership rituals are just as important as any other rituals you have. This is the holiday season, and our rituals often make us happy. These traditions often allow us to reflect on life and give it to others. When you think about your leadership rituals, you want to select them with care. You also want to be mindful of the rituals that empower you and those that don’t. Today, I share some of the top leadership rituals that you will allow you to be a stronger leader.

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GTT Featuring Adam Petrilli

How to Create an Organization that Adapts Quickly with Adam Petrilli at Web Presence

You want to create an organization that adapts quickly. My guest today is Adam Petrilli, Founder of Web Presence. His company was ranked #208 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Discover how to create an organization that adapts quickly.

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LITT Featuring Brandon Hull

432 | Operationalizing Your Values with Brandon Hull

Operationalizing Your Values is a process that takes understanding and application of values to the deepest levels in the company. When you operationalize your values, you create a way for the people to live and work according to the values of the company. Operationalizing your value is often skipped. Most of the time it is overlooked. Entrepreneurial leaders are often optimistic. They are so optimistic that they believe once the values are created, that everyone will change the way they behave at work. Our guest today is Brandon Hull. He is VP of Strategy and Sales, Pacific Digital Group. We talk about why operationalizing your values is so important and to do it in today’s workplace.

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Featuring LITT 431 David Marine

431 | Leading a Rebrand with Coldwell Banker

Leading a rebrand is a challenge no matter what the business. But when you have a brand with a legacy in their market the biggest challenge is aligning people inside and outside the company to this new change. Our guest today is David Marine, Chief Marketing Officer for Coldwell Banker. David shares his strategies so you can learn from the process. where he positively influences consumers and the brand’s global network on a mass scale from his management of world-class, award-winning advertising campaigns to elevating Coldwell Banker’s digital footprint each year with his creativity in regard to content and video creation which has garnered well over 100 million video views.

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featuring Creating a Vision

318 | Creating a Vision That Gets Buy In

You want everyone within your organization to understand your vision and work to making it a reality. Creating a vision that is shared across the organization is a process that breaks the norms of top-down vision into including others in the creation and the validation of the vision. In the case of top-down only, most of the effort in getting others to buy-in to the vision of the organization. In my research with hypergrowth companies, those organization that involved all levels into the company of the vision are more likely to grow faster. When you create the vision, you have more ownership. Ownership of the vision makes you more engaged with the strategies and tactics of the organization. All this comes down to results and getting others within the company to work with you on making the vision a reality.

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featuring Gene Hammett

316 | How to Build Trust Using Radical Transparency

Discover how to build trust using radical transparency. This is all about how you can create a loyal following of people and have continuous growth. When you know how to build trust, you become the kind of leader that people want to follow.

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 “How to Build Trust”

How to Build Trust

Three billionaires have embraced this rare strategy to create massive success for them and their business. It is all about how to build trust from within. Has that got your attention?

Those three billionaires are Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and a guy named Ray Dalio. You may not know Ray Dalio, but when I tell you a little bit more about what he’s done and this one particular strategy, you’ll see how it’s making a huge impact to increase trust and increase loyalty across their business. Read more

featuring Gene Hammett hypergrowth tips

314 | Develop Your People HyperGrowth Tips

Develop your people. Your people will build your business. This is a common saying in the circles of leadership. From what I have seen with companies that are growing rapidly they embrace the concept of developing your people. This is a Hypergrowth tip that shares how to get new results by developing your people.

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HyperGrowth Tips Transcript

Gene HammettDevelop people, and the people will develop your business. You heard that before? I know you’ve heard something similar to that, and it’s true.

If you develop the people, they will develop your business. But the problem is we don’t do that.

Hi, my name’s Gene Hammett. I work with hyper-growth companies to help them understand the chaos of leadership that applies to growing a company really fast. That means the strategies and the people to drive that growth. I love doing this, this is part of my hyper growth series. If you like what you’re seeing, just go to, you can get more of it.
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featuring Bronkar Lee

311 | Lifetime Learning Methodologies with Bronkar Lee

We are always learning. Learning is the basis for growth. Discover learning methodologies that can help you understand your natural tendencies and pushing beyond those uncomfortable moments. My guest shares his learning methodologies that have impacted his life.

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Learning Methodologies with Bronkar Lee

We are always learning. Learning is the basis for growth. I have always had an interest in learning modalities and what would take my retention to a new level. My guest today is more than a multi-talented musician, juggler, and speaker. Bronkar Lee is an expert in the domain of learning. We talk about how he challenges himself to learn. Bronkar shares small tips to increase your learning speed and capacity.

Target Audience: Bronkar is a Speaker, an Author, and a Coach. He has helped clients to achieve personal breakthroughs and accomplish goals for health, success, and well-being. His clients include corporations like Disney, TEDx, Fox, NBC, ABC, Facebook, and Google.

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featuring Gene Hammett TRUE Employee Engagement

310 | Do you have TRUE Employee Engagement?

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Transcription of Video

Do you have real employee engagement inside your company? Think about that for a second. As a leader, do you know how engaged everyone within your team is at the work they’re doing? It’s not about satisfaction and it’s not about being bean bag chairs and all those things you may think it is. It is about them being committed to the success of the company. Committed to the goals of the organization and how they’re showing up everyday.

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featuring Adam Robinson

308 | Hire Right to Maintain HyperGrowth with Adam Robinson

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Adam Robinson

Do you want to build an elite team of superstars that support you and your clients? I bet you do. Having a great team is the dream of leadership. Author of “The Best Team Wins;” Adam Robinson is the co-founder and CEO of Hireology, driving his mission to help business owners make better hiring decisions using predictive data and innovative technology.
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