Growth Think Tank

This podcast started in 2014 to serve leaders on their journey of growth and significance with their work. It is conversations with leaders for leaders. My name is Gene Hammett, host of the show. I am proud to be recognized by Inc Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine for our impact on leaders that are evolving to better serve their teams.

Growth Think Tank - leadership podcast on growth

This is the one and only podcast that inteviews founders and CEOs of Inc 500 companies. The interviews uncover the key principles of fast-growth. You will find topics of growth, culture, leadership and other areas of growth for leaders.

Latest Episodes…


002 Jim Palmer | Struggled While “in the trenches” but Focused His Business and Found Success…and Finally a Vacation

Jim PalmerJim’s story is unique in all the specific twist and turns, but the principles are similar across all business owners that have pulled themselves “out of the trenches”.  From the days of his first newsletter in 1981 to now where Jim is a successful author, coach and entrepreneur.  Jim’s key strategy was to really focus his business before he began to broaden it. Find out how and why he did focus his work inside this episode. Read more

001 Dave Kerpen | Truly Likeable: The Power of Saying NO to Achieve Success

Dave KerpenDave Kerpen from Likeable Media and Likeable Local is our guest today.  Dave has achieved success in business (like Inc 500 List and the NY Best Selling Author List), but to get here he had to say NO to clients that were not in alignment with where he wanted to take his company. Read more

000 About the Show (and your host Gene Hammett)

Leaders in the TrenchesThis is Leaders in the Trenches, Episode 000.  My name is Gene Hammett, your host for this podcast. In this introduction, I am going to share with you everything you need to know to see if this podcast is right for you and how it can help you lead your business with more freedom and impact.

Let’s address the NAME..Leaders in the Trenches was created for the owners of companies that struggle and stress to run and grow their business. This podcast is for business owners that are “in the trenches” running their businesses day-to-day. Read more