Team Growth Think Tank with Michael Latch and Gregg Murphy

Improving Sales Performance with AI with Michael Latch and Gregg Murphy at Patter AI

In this episode, we explore the cutting-edge strategies for improving sales performance with AI with Mike Latch and Gregg Murphy from Patter AI. Mike Latch, CEO, and Gregg Murphy, COO, of Patter AI, share their expertise on how AI technology is transforming sales operations. Learn how Patter AI, a leader in AI-driven sales performance solutions, is revolutionizing the industry by improving sales performance with AI. Mike and Gregg delve into their innovative approaches to leveraging AI for better sales outcomes and enhanced team efficiency. Tune in to discover how improving sales performance with AI can elevate your sales team and drive your company’s growth.


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GTT Featuring Jason Hennessey

Establish Your Executive Leadership Team For Faster Growth with Jason Hennessey at Hennessey Digital

Your executive leadership team can make your company or break it. Hiring the executive leadership team is the process of finding people with the right experience, values, and fit for your company stage. You want to hire your executive leadership team slowly and develop them with strong leadership. My guest today is Jason Hennessey, Founder of Hennessey Digital. His company was ranked #290 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Jason’s company has grown fast because of a strong executive leadership team. When he realized that he needed to put his trust in others, he knew it would take an understanding of his leadership. Tune in to our conversation as we talk about aligning the executive leadership team to the company goals.

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GTT Featuring James Dowd

Discover Why Employee First Works with James Dowd at Iuvo Logistics

Our people are the most valuable aspects of our businesses. It more than their hard work and even their output. However, customer first has dominated much of the leadership for many decades. “Employee First” is a model of leadership where people are put ahead of the strategy, technology, profits, and even customers. My guest today is James Dowd, Co-Founder of Iuvo Logistics. His company was ranked #310 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Discover the benefits of “Employee First” beyond happy employees. James shares how he created a new model within his industry and the improvement of his retention rate. “Employee First” may be foreign to you, but it could be the key to new growth.

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342 | How Leaders Can Increase Connection

A vulnerability is not a weakness. In fact, the courage it takes to be vulnerable is something that should be celebrated. Today’s message is about how leaders can increase connection.

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Episode 340 - Getting the Team to Take Ownership

340 | Getting the Team to Take Ownership

You don’t want your employees to DO the work. You read that right. You want more than that. You want them to WANT to do the work. When they want to do the work, you have created a particular magic alignment that makes your company grow fast. Today we talk about the key to getting them to want to do the work. We are talking about getting the team to take ownership. When they have the feeling of ownership, you have connected deeply to their inner drive. Enjoy today’s show.

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Creating a New Sales Process

338 | Creating a New Sales Process

Do you want to improve your sales? Improving means you might have to change the way you actually sell and how you engage the team to do so. It takes a complete revamp of sales inside of the company and it is a long sales cycle so if that’s you, then let’s talk about creating a new sales process.

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Jack Kosakowski

279 | How to Sell Socially with Jack Kosakowski

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Jack Kosakowski

Selling in business is part of the journey. Well, it is actually a huge part of your growth. No sales means no business. Sales has changed with the impact of social media. This interview is with Jack Kosakowski who runs a digital agency. He has been on the front lines of “social selling” for years. Jack shares the 3 keys to selling using social channels effectively.

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263 | How to Handle Objections in the Sales Process with Petra Foster

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Petra Foster

Today we chat with Petra Foster about PRICING. So many of us entrepreneurs have struggled or are currently struggling with our pricing packages. On this episode, we talk about how to get out of that rut. We begin with building trust and understanding our potential clients’ inner dialogue. Discover how you can tackle the objections and climb up the sales ladder.

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227 | Getting to Yes. The Art of Professional Persuasion with Matthew Kimberley

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Matthew Kimberley

Getting someone to YES is a part of life. It might in business or in your personal life. Have you ever tried to get a 9 year old to say YES to cleaning his room? Well it takes certain skills. Our guest is Matthew Kimberley who shares insights on getting to YES in business. Matthew is a sales master and his wisdom on sales will help you grow your business.

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218 | Sales Is About Adding Value With Each Step With Andy Paul

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Each and every business has to have sales. This is obvious. However, the sales process we take a day in and day out is rarely challenged. Does your business need some new steps to ensure value is the cornerstone of the sales process? Today’s guest is Andy Paul. Andy has extensive experience with sales from his work with Silicon Valley start-ups. We talk about sales from a new perspective. Enjoy.

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Overcoming the Fear of Sales in 4 Simple Steps

Flickr-Kevin Dooley

This article originally appeared in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Do you procrastinate or completely avoid doing any kind of sales for your business? Or do you think that the whole process of sales is a slimy and shifty experience that you just don’t want to do?

Well, here is a secret for you — sales is a necessary process in having a business. Ok, not much of a secret. The reality is your business depends on your ability to understand sales so that you can continue to serve your clients. Your resistance to this necessary part of your business is only costing you money and adding stress to your life.

If you do have a fear of sales, you are not alone. The fear is quite common. Creative, purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you seldom start a business because they are sales rock stars. You got in the business to do what you love to do.

Unfortunately, there is a myth out there that says, “Being great at what you do is enough to make your business grow.” Being great in your chosen field is only part of the business. The other part of your business hinges on you understanding how to sell your products and services in a way that is in alignment with who you are.

The fear of sales shows up in very interesting ways. I have had many clients who have related sales in their own business with the stereotypical used car salesman. When you dig into it, there is usually the one central fear — “What will they think about me?” This is where the slimy and shifty feelings seep into your thinking. You avoid sales in every way possible, even if that means not selling at all.

Let me share with you four simple steps to overcome the fear of sales:

1. Understand the real problem you solve.

Get a deeper understanding of the problem you solve. This means knowing how others approach the same problem. It is also about knowing the real cause of the problem and how the causes are different than the effects of that problem. The better you understand the problem your prospects face, the more likely you are to offer a creative and innovative solution to the problem.

Write a narrative story of the essential problems you solve. Include the root causes and the effects of the problem. Add to it why your approach is different than your peers.

Special Note: Don’t be afraid to break norms with industry standards. Going against the grain is a great way to separate you from your peers.

2. Get to the value you provide.

The value here is the client’s perceived value of what their problem is costing them. It is essential to understand the monetary impact of your work. If you cannot directly compute the “payoff” of your work, it will be hard to communicate it to your prospects.

Value is the root of the sales process. Your product or service addresses a real problem, right? Your job is to use all the tools available to you to see the value from the eyes of your clients and communicate that to future prospects.

Document all the cost savings and financial growth your work provides for clients. Also, document the qualitative parts of your solutions too.

3. Establish a sales process based on integrity.

Sales without a defined process are likely to wander. Wandering sales rarely build a strong business with repeatable results. The flip side of this is a defined step-by-step process for your sales. This includes the invitation to the first conversation, the steps after that conversation and all the steps in the between.

When you have a sales process aligned with integrity you are more likely to remove any points of resistance. This “integrity” part of sales is all about truly believing that your time with the prospect is valuable, versus simply being an interruption. When you believe it is valuable you will minimize your resistance.

4. Learn to love sales.

Loving what you do means so much to your overall results for your clients. Loving the actual process of sales will help you create a powerful business, too. When you accept that your work is valuable, and you know exactly who can get the most value from your work, you will enjoy the sales process more.

You can get by with two or three of these steps on your journey to overcoming the fear of sales but focusing on all of them will give you more confidence in your ability to serve others. In today’s markets, sales are about understanding how to add value to others before, during and after the sales process.

Photo: Flickr/ Kevin Dooley

This article originally appeared in Entrepreneur Magazine.

149 | Hiring and Managing Sales Rep Series 3 of 3 With Gene Hammett

Gene HammettJoin us for our final episode in a 3 part series of Hiring and Managing a Sales Rep! We’ll dig into the process of hiring and firing in this one too. Reflecting back on this series, episode 147 with Mark Jamnick focused on how to motivate your team for heightened performance, while episode 148 with Joe Kouffman focused on hiring traits you should look for. This episode builds upon the series and expands into how to fire a sales rep too. Listen in to get the full scoop on why you MUST take your time on this one!

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Gene’s Target Audience: Gene works with entrepreneurs who want to find the perfect match between their unique value and the people who will become their best clients and biggest fans.

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