
145 | Doing Work That Matters With Inspired Clients with Gene Hammett

Gene HammettHave you ever had a client that stressed and frustrated you? I know you have. Even the newest of business owners have taken on a client that has turned out to be less than ideal. This episode is a wake-up call and a step-by-step plan on doing work that matters. It is about understanding what work matters to you (really matters to you) and it is about who you do it with. I believe we should be seeking to work with those that are INSPIRED by a new future. Discover some secrets in this episode about doing work that matters with inspired clients.

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Target Audience: Gene works with entrepreneurs who want to find the perfect match between their unique value and the people who will become their best clients and biggest fans.

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137 | Leaders Are Not Born- They’re Developed with Brian Holmes

Brian HolmesMost of us are conditioned to think that Leaders are “born.” In other words, you are either a born or leader or you are not. This is not true according to Brian Holmes who shares with us today that leaders are developed. Developing into a leader however, is not something one does so well alone. All great leaders have mentors and coaches because they know all too well that they cannot see their own blindspots. If you are seeking your inner leader, join us today to discover how you can create the right supports around you and fulfill your own destiny!

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Target Audience: Brian serves those striving to connect with their inner leader. He works to transform and shift their mindsets,  activating their destinies and fulfilling their highest potentials.

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107 | Facing Your Fears with Gene Landrum

Gene LandrumEveryone will have fears to face as they build their businesses. The battle of fear and courage is constant, because there are always new parts to explore. For some it is sales, others struggle with speaking to strangers, or maybe it is just raising your prices. The point is, fear is part of business. Gene Landrum, former president of Chuck E. Cheese restaurants, shares insights about fear that he has learned within the decade of his career building multiple businesses from the ground up. Watch out for some of the funny moments where Gene talks about fears that he encountered while launching Chuck E. Cheese restaurants.

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Gene’s Target Audience: Gene writes books and gives lectures for entrepreneurs to help them understand the trials and tribulations he’s been through in building his own businesses. His consulting work aims to help and empower individuals develop marketing plans, business opportunity analyses and licensing/franchising organization.

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