
c-suite executives

C-Suite Executives Must Unlearn Doing to Be Successful – Behind the Scenes

You are likely where you are today because you have executed consistently at a high level. This is how you rise to the ranks of the C-Suite executives. To perform at the level you are expected to, you have to change how you approach work. We look at the details of less doing and more thinking in this behind-the-scenes episode. When you join the c-suite executives, you are expected to think much more than before. This will be a challenge because part of your identity has been in the act of doing. The executive leadership team has to learn to let go of doing work and spend more time on strategy and developing others. Discover why thinking for C-suite executives is so essential to the growth of the company.

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close the leadership gap

Close the Leadership Gap with this Odd, Simple Framework – Behind the Scenes

Each of us has two versions that we have to get to known. The easy one is how you see yourself. The hard one is how everyone else sees you. The difference between the two is a gap. You have to close the leadership gap if you want to be a great leader. This is not an easy task. When you close the leadership gap, you increase your self-awareness and improve how others relate to you. Go behind the scenes with me to close the leadership gap that gets in the way you are the leader your team deserves.

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