
377 | Leading Virtual Teams with Tara Powers

Leading virtual teams used to be a novel or even a crazy idea. Now leading virtual teams is a new standard. If you to be an effective leader of a team that you don’t see face-to-face on a regular basis, you will love this episode. I interview Tara Powers, author of “Virtual Teams for Dummies.” Tara wrote this book to help companies that have embraced virtual teams. We talk about the essential elements of effective leadership so that you can lead your virtual teams.

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246 | How to Build Communities That Drive Business with Arthur Tubman

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Arthur Tubman

Our guest and creator of Monday Monday is Arthur Tubman. Tune in to discover how building a successful business is all about creating a 2- way communication street with a resonating community. Find out how Arthur creates meaningful content and why he says skills can be learned and why you shouldn’t worry about them! Focus on training your daily habits! Plus find out why Arthur thinks mentorship and masterminds are crucial to any entrepreneur’s success.


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245 | How to Create a Personal Brand with Stefanie Diaz

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Stefanie Diaz

Our guest, Stefanie Diaz is the founder of Mastermind Your Launch. We talk about owning who you are to launch a business. This episode is about how to play on your strengths. We also delve into the power of content marketing and how it can accelerates your business. What are your own personal strengths and how will you use them to serve the world?

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238 | Getting Out of your Comfort Zone with Dr. Liz Bywater

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Dr. Liz Bywater

Living for comfort is a mistake. Yes…if you seek comfort in all that you do, you will fail to grow and navigate the challenges of life. This interview is all about understanding your comfort zone and stepping outside that zone so that you grow. Dr. Liz Bywater is our guest who shares her views on the comfort zone.

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237 | The Neuroscience of Communications with Nick Morgan

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Nick Morgan

Today’s guest and founder of Public Words is Nick Morgan. Nick Morgan shares with us that while most of us think that we communicate with our conscious minds, there are layers of beneath that we must become more aware of. Nick’s work focuses on helping professional speakers, executives and business owners communicate more effectively to convey their message. He does this by getting people to understand themselves on a deeper level.

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213 | Talent Development with Tara Powers

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Tara Powers Tara and her team use a tool called “DISC Personality Assessment” to help people understand themselves better. . It’s purpose is to opens up a world of opportunity to develop people on her team. This is a powerful tool to access a high level of awareness on how an individual thinks and processes information. It also gives an awareness of who you are as a Leader.

Tara believes in promoting people from within because they are good at what they naturally do best. This is about developing a new set of skills to excel at being a leader.

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146 | Let Go of What You Have Now To Get Success With Jesse Moskel

Jesse MoskelIf you want to do something different or new, you have be willing to do something new. Ok, not rocket science. Well this is only partly right. You have to be willing to let go of some stuff too. You might even have to let go of what made you reach your current level of success. This is the hard part. Today’s guest is Jesse Moskel with Agile Marketing Solutions. We talk about a lot of stuff to make you successful in the game of business so tune in to get your dose of wisdom from a fellow Leader in the Trenches.

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Jesse’s Target Audience: Jesse helps entrepreneurs and businesses discover their deeper sales message through powerful copy to generate more business with less work.

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114 | Money Is An Echo Of Value With Bob Burg

Bob BurgMany people mistakenly interchange “money” and “value.” However, value comes first. Value is the relative worth of a service or product. Value is always from the perspective of the buyer. Our guest today is Bob Berg, Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Bob has written many books on sales and his perspective on value is critically important for leaders. Bob clarifies what he means with the quote “money is an echo of value.”

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Bob’s Target Audience: Bob serves the entrepreneurial market. Specifically, he targets those who love what they do, understand what they provide but are also uncomfortable with the sales process. They may not be completely aware of their worth. Bob aims to helps them develop better communication skills. Inevitably he then shows them how to make more money and serve more people.

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113 | Discovering Your Big Why with David Mead

David MeadEveryone knows WHAT they do, some people know HOW they do it, and yet very few people know their WHY. The WHY is really the most important part. David Mead shares with us how to discover your big why. David is a business partner with a hero of mine, Simon Sinek. who also wrote one of my favorite business books- “Start With Why.” Simon and David have been taking this concept of “the WHY” to corporations for years now to help them define and understand this concept. This interview with David will help you understand the importance of knowing your WHY.

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David’s Target Audience: Includes anyone who is interested in creating an environment where people feel inspired to come to work and leave fulfilled by the work they’ve done by the end of the workday. This includes leaders with organizations. But really, David focuses on anybody who has a desire to create an environment where the people and the relationships between them are what’s most important. That and to provide them opportunities to contribute something that matters to them.

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111 | Overcoming the Challenges of Customer Onboarding with Sujan Patel

Sujan PatelAdding new customers is the name of the game. There are many moving parts to growing a SAAS (Software As A Service) business to add those new customers. It takes savvy marketing and the ability to really solve a problem. Sujan Patel, VP of Marketing for When I Work, talks about the challenges of onboarding trial users-what not to do and the important aspects of success. Sujan shares the ins and outs he has learned to add 250,000 users in four years. Discover the fine line in marketing that Sujan had to learn the hard way.

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Sujan’s Target Audience: Small businesses seeking for more organization and ease within the workplace.

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