
234 | Making New Choices with Mike Pisciotta

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Mike Pisciotta

We all have times in our lives that force us to question the path we are on. We all have moments that make us choose a new direction. I have seen this for myself. And I have watched it in hundreds of others. This is about reinvention. Our guest today is Mike Pisciotta with Marketing Your Purpose. He shares his moment of reinvention that happened while in jail.

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233 | Be THE Choice, Not Just a Choice with Gene Hammett

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In highly competitive markets, it is getting harder and harder to win the business. I specialize in helping companies grow by making them THE choice, not just a choice. This is about standing out and creating a company that does not have competition. This is a solo episode where I share key parts of my speech: Be THE Choice, Not Just A Choice. I give you 3 areas that allow you to win more business and work with more high-value clients. Don’t miss this one.

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