
327 | How to Define Customer Expectations To Drive Your Business with Chris Kneeland

How to define your customer expectations. This may sound oversimplified or you might rationalize that you have already done it. Take a breathe and ask yourself if you really understand what your clients expect of your organization. Maybe the question is not if you understand, but whether your team also understands. Pushing this even further, is there alignment between every team member and the expectations of your customers in your category of business? Today I share my interview with Chris Kneeland from The Cult Collective. Chris gives you examples and insight on why this is so important to your business. Don’t miss this episode on understanding your how to define customer expectations.

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define customer expectations with Chris Kneeland

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248 | Creating Connection and Significance Through Speaking with Les Brown

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Les Brown

Motivational Speaker, Les Brown shares with us how the road to growth and transformation requires the COURAGE to change. If you want to evoke the spirit of transformation in those whom you serve, you must also commit to catalyzing that very thing in your own life. The intention and desire to grow must be practiced, exercised and executed consistently.

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184 | The Foundation to Start Your Business with Mortgage Broker Ryan Boughen

Ryan Boughen

Breaking free to a new level is rarely achieved by doing more of what you are already doing. And doing what everyone in your industry is doing is actually the hard way. I say this hoping to inspire courage within you to do something new and dare I say…different. Ryan Boughen is our guest in this episode and he shares what he did in his mortgage business to get to the next level.

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177 | The Courage to be an Entrepreneur with Paul Durante

Paul Durante

Running a business takes courage. It takes heaps of courage. In today’s interview with Paul Durante, we dive deep into why courage is so important. Paul is a business partner with Jay Abraham (mentor to Tony Robbins) and all of this came to be because Paul had courage. You will also get some key insights to leveraging media for your business.


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173 | Revolutionizing how we fulfill THE VISION with Ken Dunn

Ken Dunn

Ken Dunn is the Founder and Chief of Reader’s Legacy – an online space for the new age of publishing. Reader’s Legacy is bound and determined to revolutionize the way people read, and experience books. Of course, this episode is more than just about books -it’s about revolutionizing the way we do things. It’s about pushing the margin and obeying your vision. Tune in here as we discuss the power of determination and passion.

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140 | Get the Gig: Series 3 of 3 with Gene Hammett

Gene HammettToday, I share with you the the third episode in this “Get the Gig” series and what personally works for me. I’ll be specifically honing in on “unpaid” gigs that produce big payoffs. Getting on the stage requires that you get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself. I’ll be sharing the common myths and mistakes people make in the process of booking their speaking gigs. And even more importantly how to land your gigs.

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Gene’s Target Audience: Gene works with entrepreneurs who want to find the perfect match between their unique value and the people who will become their best clients and biggest fans.

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