
183 | Being the Go to Expert with Sue B Zimmerman

Sue B Zimmerman

Positioning yourself to your marketing is often overlooked. Look around and be totally honest with yourself…are you positioned as an expert for a particular industry, technology or result? Or perhaps, you are one of many people that do what you do. Sue B Zimmerman is an expert on Instagram and has a strong passion for this social platform. Sue shares her perspective on being the expert in ONE area.

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180 | Stop Worrying About What Makes You Different with Jason Leister

Jason Leister

Charging higher fees and positioning yourself in your market are essential to quick growth and lasting success. Jason Leister from the Incomparable Expert podcast gives ways to charge more as well as the route to getting better clients.

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112 | How To Eliminate The Sales Process with Jack Mize

Jack MizeIf you hate to sell, listen in here to this episode. Positioning yourself prior to the sale allows you to bypass the traditional sales process. Jack Mize, host of Influencers Radio, tells us how being the educator and the advocate allows you to eliminate the sales process. You probably understand what it takes to educate before the sale, but the “advocate” is someone that will really stand up for the success of their customers. Jack talks about positioning yourself as the authority simply by being an educator and advocate. Listen in to this episode to see what this means in your business.

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Jack’s Target Audience: Jack has been in the marketing business for several years serving business owners, coaches, and consultants where he helps them to focus on positioning themselves as educators and advocates for their prospects. Educators and advocates are also known as authorities. Essentially this is the position he helps them to take in their industry.

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