
309 | Leading Innovation with Josh Linkner

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Josh Linkner

Innovation is not a buzz word. Innovation is necessary in our world of ever-changing tech, marketing, and customer expectations. Discover how to develop a culture of innovation with Josh Linkner. Josh is a renowned speaker and helps audiences see innovation from a different perspective.

Target Audience: Josh works with organizations that want to inject innovations on a deeper level in order to elevate their entire organization.

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190 | Why Putting Customers First Is Wrong with Jay Samit

Jay SamitDo you believe in putting your customers first? It is a common thought. At many levels it makes total sense. However, today’s guest is Jay Samit, author of Disrupt You!, a best selling book about innovation and growth. Jay shares insights about why this common thinking has limits as you grow your company and become a strong CEO.  Listen to this episode and “disrupt” your company.


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