
089 Gene Hammett | Power of Podcasting

Gene Hammett I love podcasts.  But I love being a podcaster even more.  This is the best decision I have ever made for my business marketing and lead generation. There are so many advantages to having your audience listen to your voice (typically without the distraction of a screen).  Where do you listen to podcasts?  See what I mean.  Listen in to this episode where I share how podcasting is creating “super fans” and what that means they are connecting with the audience in a deeper way than other platforms can offer.  Also register for the next webinar on my podcast system (the tools, steps and tricks). Go to this URL for the next training:

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071 Gene Hammett |Get Rich in the Niche

Gene HammettWhy do some businesses take off and others get stuck?  This is a big question that really perplexes so many people.  It really comes down to two parts. The first we discuss in this episode which are the fundamentals to business, specifically “who do your serve”.  The second is speed of implementation.  However, if you don’t have the these fundamentals in place…you will likely be chasing the wrong strategy.  Listen in to discover what you can do to find out more about getting rich in the niche.  This is so much more than just money. Share the LOVE and TWEET about this episode. Read more

059 Gene Hammett | How to Stand Out in Business

Gene HammettThis episode is not for business owners that want to be average or mediocre.  It is for those special leaders that want to be different and separate themselves from the pack.  It is all about “standing out” in your business so that you can attract better customers, get higher fees (profits), and make a greater impact.  This episode gives the 7 strategies you need to be specific about if you want to STAND OUT.

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013 Laurel Staples | What This Photographer Knows About Marketing That Can Help You Change Your Business

There is a hard way and an easy way. You can choose either, but listening to this episode might help you in your decision to “focus” or “specialize” your business. Most photographers choose the hard way by offering their services to anyone and everyone. Just because you can take pictures of anyone, does not mean you should. Laurel Staples shares her journey to becoming a photographer to one specific audience and how she gets tons of referrals and built a steady stream of leads that come directly to her.


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012 Dr. David Phelps | Freedom is the Dream When You are “In The Trenches” – Discover What this Dentist Coach Did to Change his Mindset to Achieve Freedom

David PhelpsThis show is all about “freedom”. Entrepreneurs get into business for many reasons, but one of the huge benefits is the “freedom” that business owners have. Freedom is the dream. Freedom is the powerful force that keeps you working through the beginning stages of your business. Well, we all know that the level of freedom that we really want comes after you have built up the business so that you are no longer “in the trenches”. What does it take to get there? Learn form Dr. David Phelps, the dentist that discovered he could build a business that truly did have freedom. You will learn some of the mindset shifts necessary to create a business that gives you freedom and keeps you from having to do EVERYTHING in your business.

Get his specific approach to freedom that any business owner that is “in the trenches” can implement. Plus hear Dr. Phelps’s powerfully heartfelt reason for creating freedom in his dental practice.
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011 Jennifer Bourn | A Web Design Company that Gets It – The Benefits of Really Understanding What Your Clients Need

Jennifer BournLet me be direct and say that many web design firms don’t get it.  They attempt to be all things to all customers.  If you have listened to previous episodes here, you understand that is dangerous.  Jennifer Bourn gets it, and it shows in how she runs her company.  She really understands her customers and she knows how to market herself so that they self select themselves for their services.  They know they want to work with her company before they get on the phone.  In this interview, we talk about what got her to this strategy and the success that this approach has provided her company.

The moral of this episode is you really must know your customers and what they want so that you can be the company they want to buy from.

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010 Kevin Rogers | The #1 Way You are Screwing Up Your ‘About’ Page – And How to Fix It in 60 Seconds!

Kevin RogersKevin Rogers is the man…the man with a gift to tell a story, make you laugh and help you tell others what you do.  In today’s episode, we will discuss humor in business, the value of giving away your stuff for free and Kevin’s new book “The 60-Second Sales Hook”.  Speaking of hooks…what is your HOOK?  Does it invite conversation or does it have people running (quickly) away from you?

Kevin has reached a level of success in his business that few obtain.  He is paid thousands to write a single page of copy in a sales letter, but most often he is brought in to write and re-work all elements of marketing for big product launches.  One of his recent clients is “Bullet Proof Coffee” which is getting to be super popular these days…likely to do with Kevin’s handy work behind the keyboard.

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009 Jessica Rhodes | From a General Virtual Assistant to Mastering a Niche in Podcasting – Jessica’s Journey to Solving a Specific Problem

Jessica RhodesJessica Rhodes started her Virtual Assistant (VA) services to entrepreneurs by offering all the different services business owners wanted. She was pulled in many directions and knew that business would be better when she found her niche. She engaged a business coach to help her focus her business and she makes a very strong decision by listening to the needs of her clients. Now Jessica has a thriving business and she is uniquely positioned to offer her services. This is a great story of going from a broad approach to being very specific.

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008 Megha Rodriguez | Learn How to Be IN the Conversation with Your Ideal Client

Megha RodriguezMegha has finally found her profitable niche for her business, but it was not always the case.  Being the jack of all trades (taking any client that came along) stressed her out so she decide to find your target audience.  They key is being INSIDE the conversation with her ideal client so her marketing is more effective and delivery of her services is more complete.  Megha shares the fears she faced along the way and the successes too.

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007 Jason Silverman | Web Design Firm Proves the Power of the Niche – More Impact and Better Value

Jason Silverman

Jason blows me away in this interview by sharing his approach to building his business. Jason clearly believes in niching and lives it with each of his businesses. Most web design firms or agencies tend to approach the business with an “I can do it all” mindset, but specializing in one niche can be powerful and rewarding. You will even hear how Jason charges more because he is delivering a full and powerful solution. Jason tells it like it is in this episode.

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006 Jason Swenk | From Zero Subscribers to a Six Figure Business in 3 Months

Jason SwenkIn this episode of the Leaders in the Trenches Podcast, I’m pumped to welcome a great friend of mine, Jason Swenk to the show! We are going to explore the journey he had in creating his six figure consulting business in about 3 months (that’s on-the-side to his full-time job). Well…actually he started before that 3 month period, but once he decided to really focus on Digital Agencies he began to make huge strides to success.

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005 Kimanzi Constable | Facing his Fears of Limiting His Business-Now Kimanzi has a Real Impact Business

Kimanzi ConstableKimanzi Constable started out with a ton of success by selling 80,000 books using social media and transforming his own life in the process. To get there, he began with a wide and broad approach, but quickly realized he had to narrow and be specific to create a powerful business that really makes an impact for his clients. Kimanzi had to face his fears of limiting his business so that he could find a new level of success.

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