
Tamsen Webster

286 | Using Speaking to Spread Your Message with Tamsen Webster

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Tamsen Webster

Speaking is an unfair advantage. You are face-to-face with your audience. You have a chance to connect like no other form of marketing. When you are in the room with a great speaker, you feel it in your bones.  Tamsen Webster is our guest today. She is amazing at helping speakers find “the Red Thread.” If you don’t know what that is, you really must listen to this show.

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235 | Significance with 48 in 48 – Jeff Hilimire and Adam Walker

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Jeff Hilimire and Adam Walker

One year later, is pushing into new realms. They are doing another 48 websites for 48 nonprofits this year in Atlanta. And they are also doing another set of 48 websites for another 48 nonprofits in New York. This is a unique episode with so many guests. I interviewed different people involved to get their perspective of this movement. Also Adam Walker and Jeff Hilimire share with me the BIG vision for I really think they are crazy rebels for putting it out there and I love them for it.

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234 | Making New Choices with Mike Pisciotta

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Mike Pisciotta

We all have times in our lives that force us to question the path we are on. We all have moments that make us choose a new direction. I have seen this for myself. And I have watched it in hundreds of others. This is about reinvention. Our guest today is Mike Pisciotta with Marketing Your Purpose. He shares his moment of reinvention that happened while in jail.

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233 | Be THE Choice, Not Just a Choice with Gene Hammett

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In highly competitive markets, it is getting harder and harder to win the business. I specialize in helping companies grow by making them THE choice, not just a choice. This is about standing out and creating a company that does not have competition. This is a solo episode where I share key parts of my speech: Be THE Choice, Not Just A Choice. I give you 3 areas that allow you to win more business and work with more high-value clients. Don’t miss this one.

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232 | Valuating Your Business with John Shumate

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John Shumate

Do you know the valuation of your company?  I think that if even if you were not planning to sell your company soon or even in the next decade that you should know the valuation. My main reason is that understanding what increases the value of the company you have now will make it more profitable now.  I interview John Shumate who specializes in valuations for technology and healthcare companies. He shares the essentials to valuations.  Check out this episode to understand how to put a value on your company.

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202 | Standing Out as a Thought Leader with Dorie Clark

Dorie ClarkWhen you decide to step up and stand out in your marketplace, you typically are met with resistance. However, here is a simple breakdown of standing out with best-selling author, Dorie Clark. Dorie is a writer, speaker, consultant and professor at the Duke University Business School. We talk about top line strategies and dive deep into Twitter as a powerful platform to establish more credibility and authority in your market.

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170 | How to be the Extreme Expert in Your Niche with Chala Dincoy

Chala Dincoy

Are you familiar with what it means to be the “Extreme Expert?” Today’s episode is about niching down your business so that you get to serve exactly who you are meant to serve. This is what works. This is what will determine sustainable success for you, your clients and your bank account. Lean into this episode for some new insights around letting go of the fear of niching. Chala Dincoy reminds us that each of us possess our own special form of strength and magic.


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160 | The Power of Niching Your Business with Tim Grahl – Part 2

Tim GrahlHave you thought about writing a book to position you in the marketplace? Would you trust a book marketer that doesn’t have a book? Yeah, me neither. But today’s guest is Tim Grahl, an expert in author and book marketing. He is also the author of “Your First 1000 copies”. Listen to Tim in part 2 of our interview where he explains how he used his book to propel his business forward. Don’t forget the overall picture of this interview which is about niching.

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Target Audience: Tim helps authors build their platform, connect with readers and sell more books.

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159 | The Power of Niching Your Business with Tim Grahl – Part 1

Tim GrahlHave you thought about writing a book to position you in the marketplace? Would you trust a book marketer that doesn’t have a book? Yeah, me neither. But today’s guest is Tim Grahl, an expert in author and book marketing. He is also the author of “Your First 1000 copies”. Listen to Tim in part 2 of our interview where he explains about he used his book to propel his business forward. Don’t forget the overall picture of this interview which is about niching.

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Target Audience: Tim helps authors build their platform, connect with fans and sell more books.

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139 | Get the Gig – Speaker Series 2 of 3 with Chris Brogan

Chris BroganTaking the stage is a great way to promote your business and claim your authority. You can do it at local events or your next step might be national events or perhaps you are ready to get paid. Discover the insider secrets with today’s guest, Chris Brogan. Chris is a powerful and entertaining speaker. He shares what he has learned in his many years of getting paid well for speaking to corporations and even a 6th grade class too.

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Target Audience: Chris is the CEO of Owner Media Group people that helps entrepreneurs who be more human at a distance.

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125 | A Case Study in Turning Around A Struggling Business with Drew Pearson

Drew PearsonHave you ever struggled to make payroll? Have you ever stressed over taking your business to the next level? Well, most entrepreneurs have been there before; however, it does not have to be that way. Drew Pearson, Owner of Ninja Multimedia, shares his journey so that it may help you. Drew took a chance by attending an event with me. Afterward, we had one coaching session to fine-tune his strategy so that he could turn around his business. Drew has always done excellent work, (and get lots of referrals) but he needed to change his business development approach. Listen to Drew tell you how he turned around his business so that he could be proactive in his sales strategy.
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Drew’s Target Audience: Drew now mostly targets medical communication clients.

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095 Gene Hammett | Why Content Marketing Is Not the Silver Bullet

Gene Hammett Content marketing is all the rage. To some people it’s just a buzzword, but content marketing real. I wholeheartedly believe in content marketing because creating valuable content for your website such as blogs, videos and audio (i.e., podcasts) is important to grow your business. Every business that has an online presence is judged by the content they publish or don’t publish.

If you are still reading, then you know about the value of content marketing and you know you can’t just stop publishing content. You’ve got to take steps to promote your content to specific people looking for it. Inside this episode, I share a number of ways that you can get your content directly to your ideal clients to generate quality leads for your business.

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Gene’s Target Audience: Gene works with entrepreneurs who want to find the perfect match between their unique value and the people who will become their best clients and biggest fans. That perfect match is their “bullseye,” where they can add the most benefit and create the greatest wealth.

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