
Team Growth Think Tank with Janet Casey and Kate Popp

Investing in People Drives Growth with Janet Casey and Kate Popp at Marketing Doctor

Most leaders know the value of investing in their business. Some see the importance of investing in people. Today’s guest is Janet Casey, President & Founder, and Kate Popp, Director of Sales at Marketing Doctor. Inc Magazine ranked its company #1063 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Marketing Doctor is a marketing agency specializing in media buying for digital and traditional marketing, including online, social media, print, television, and radio. Janet and I discuss why investing in people matters more now than ever. She shares why it matters to attract top talent. Discover the strategies that have paid off when investing in people.

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309 | Leading Innovation with Josh Linkner

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Josh Linkner

Innovation is not a buzz word. Innovation is necessary in our world of ever-changing tech, marketing, and customer expectations. Discover how to develop a culture of innovation with Josh Linkner. Josh is a renowned speaker and helps audiences see innovation from a different perspective.

Target Audience: Josh works with organizations that want to inject innovations on a deeper level in order to elevate their entire organization.

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Bryan Falchuk

307 | Values are the Heart of Leadership with Bryan Falchuk

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Bryan Falchuk

Values are the heart of leadership. If you are not clear about your values, how can you expect others around you to be clear? Bryan Falchuck shares how leadership and values relate. Listen in for more details on how clarifying values transforms the way you show up as a Leader. 

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Brian Wright

306 | How to Re-Purpose Content with Brian Wright

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Brian Wright

Creating content for your brand has become a necessary part of sharing your message and building your community. You also want to re-purpose your content into the right channels. Today’s interview is with Brian Wright is on how to repurpose content. Discover why it is important and how to make the most of it.

Target Audience: Brian serves entrepreneurs, business people, career enthusiasts and people who want to better themselves.

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Donna Cravotta

305 | The Evolution of PR with Donna Cravotta

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Donna Cravotta

The Evolution of Public Relations (PR) has been needed for years now. In fact, I still get nearly 100 pitches per month from people requesting to be on my show. 99% of them are old-school approaches. It is rare that any of them actually take the time to do anything specific for me. The guest today is Donna Cravotta with Social Pivot PR. Donna shares her wisdom on the changes in the industry and what that means for you.

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234 | Making New Choices with Mike Pisciotta

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Mike Pisciotta

We all have times in our lives that force us to question the path we are on. We all have moments that make us choose a new direction. I have seen this for myself. And I have watched it in hundreds of others. This is about reinvention. Our guest today is Mike Pisciotta with Marketing Your Purpose. He shares his moment of reinvention that happened while in jail.

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233 | Be THE Choice, Not Just a Choice with Gene Hammett

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In highly competitive markets, it is getting harder and harder to win the business. I specialize in helping companies grow by making them THE choice, not just a choice. This is about standing out and creating a company that does not have competition. This is a solo episode where I share key parts of my speech: Be THE Choice, Not Just A Choice. I give you 3 areas that allow you to win more business and work with more high-value clients. Don’t miss this one.

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153 | Digital Marketing: What’s Working Now Episode 1 of 3 Andrew Medal

Andrew MedalI know you’ve seen lots of entrepreneurs out there killing it online through social media. Are you wondering how you can do it too? Well our guest Andrew Medal today tells us how his company Agent Beta helps entrepreneurs do just that! Digital Marketing is a gigantic field and guess what? It’s growing at a super speed like never before. An an entrepreneur, you’ve got tons of tasks you’re juggling, so what are you willing to let go of? Find out why it’s better to hand this off to experts in this field to grow your business without going insane!

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Andrew’s Target Audience: Andrew’s company Agent Beta serves small businesses and all different types of clients including the public sector. There is a big focus on Crossfit athletes as well as media companies.

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