
309 | Leading Innovation with Josh Linkner

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Josh Linkner

Innovation is not a buzz word. Innovation is necessary in our world of ever-changing tech, marketing, and customer expectations. Discover how to develop a culture of innovation with Josh Linkner. Josh is a renowned speaker and helps audiences see innovation from a different perspective.

Target Audience: Josh works with organizations that want to inject innovations on a deeper level in order to elevate their entire organization.

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featuring Adam Robinson

308 | Hire Right to Maintain HyperGrowth with Adam Robinson

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Adam Robinson

Do you want to build an elite team of superstars that support you and your clients? I bet you do. Having a great team is the dream of leadership. Author of “The Best Team Wins;” Adam Robinson is the co-founder and CEO of Hireology, driving his mission to help business owners make better hiring decisions using predictive data and innovative technology.
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Bryan Falchuk

307 | Values are the Heart of Leadership with Bryan Falchuk

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Bryan Falchuk

Values are the heart of leadership. If you are not clear about your values, how can you expect others around you to be clear? Bryan Falchuck shares how leadership and values relate. Listen in for more details on how clarifying values transforms the way you show up as a Leader. 

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Brian Wright

306 | How to Re-Purpose Content with Brian Wright

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Brian Wright

Creating content for your brand has become a necessary part of sharing your message and building your community. You also want to re-purpose your content into the right channels. Today’s interview is with Brian Wright is on how to repurpose content. Discover why it is important and how to make the most of it.

Target Audience: Brian serves entrepreneurs, business people, career enthusiasts and people who want to better themselves.

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Donna Cravotta

305 | The Evolution of PR with Donna Cravotta

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Donna Cravotta

The Evolution of Public Relations (PR) has been needed for years now. In fact, I still get nearly 100 pitches per month from people requesting to be on my show. 99% of them are old-school approaches. It is rare that any of them actually take the time to do anything specific for me. The guest today is Donna Cravotta with Social Pivot PR. Donna shares her wisdom on the changes in the industry and what that means for you.

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Neen James

282 | Creating Influence with Internal Thought Leadership with Neen James

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Neen James

When you have more influence and authority, people pay attention. Have you considered raising your focus on “Thought Leadership?”  My guest today is the Ah-mazing Neen James. I borrow Neen’s exact phrasing of amazing because she is so freaking amazing. We talk about developing internal thought leaders for your company.  Don’t miss this episode with Neen James.


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