
254 | The New Strategies of Automated Webinars with Casey Zeman

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Casey Zeman

Using online training (webinars) is an excellent way to establish your expertise and authority. The next level approach is using “automated webinars.” Our guest today is Casey Zeman, who is the founder of Easy Webinar. We talk about a simple sequence or strategy to get more leads and therefore more sales for your business.

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175 | Unlocking Your Website Conversions with Alex Harris

Alex HarrisWhy do some websites experience conversions while others don’t? By “conversion” I mean a sale on the website or an exchange of an email to get something of value. If you have a website, you want conversions. Our guest today is Alex Harris of and he shares what it takes to make conversions on your website. You will gain new awareness on what is really going on after listening to Alex today.

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155 | Digital Marketing: What’s Working Now Episode 3 of 3 Gene Hammett

155-Gene-Hammett-featuredI’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on my website. I’ve learned what to do and what not to do and my advice is this: Be Tactful. Before you jump into handing over your credit card to the next service promising you leads, I want you to take a step back and get to really know your ideal client. Nothing you do can be effective if you are not drawing in your ideal clients to your website. And you know what else? If you’re not a big fan of marketing, I’ve got good news for you. When you do it right and when you provide real VALUE to your ideal clients, it doesn’t feel like marketing. Lean in for all this and more…

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Target Audience: Gene works with entrepreneurs who want to master themselves and their business so they can do work that matters.

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