
Team Growth Think Tank with Bill Austin

Leading a Hybrid Team with Bill Austin & Associates

The future of work has changed. Most organizations will never go back to 100 percent back to the office. It would help if you learned the power of leading a hybrid team. Today’s guest is Bill Austin, President at Bill Austin & Associates. Inc Magazine ranked his company #4124 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Bill Austin & Associates, Provides system engineering services for heavy-duty systems, which is also called information engineering. Bill shares how he is leading a hybrid team during today’s challenges. We discuss the key elements of accountability with remote workers. When you understand leading a hybrid team, you have a better chance of leading your company to the next level.

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Growth Think Tank with Brad Ebenhoeh

Talent Attraction and Development with Brad Ebenhoeh at AccountFully

Great leaders have intentional strategies for talent attraction. In today’s war for talent, you have to get ahead of other employers. It takes more than just more money. Talent attraction and development are essential if you want to compete for the best and brightest. Today’s guest is Brad Ebenhoeh, Managing Partner at Accountfully. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1819 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Accountfully is your fully outsourced accounting team. Brad shares his strategies for talent attraction and development. We discuss what it takes to create a place where great people are seeking out your company. Brad will tell you the things he learned the hard way too.

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Growth Think Tank with Steve Thies

Innovative Workplace Demand A Culture of Forward Thinking with Steve Thies at Integrated Biometrics

Innovation that comes from the top will be limited. Companies that can embrace forward-thinking at all levels will have innovation from everyone. Leaders that want more innovation must see the power of forward-thinking. Today’s guest is Steve Thies, CEO at Integrated Biometrics. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2043 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. They have made this list six consecutive times. Integrated Biometrics designs and produces the world’s most mobile and reliable FBI-certified fingerprint sensors. Steve gives his perspective on creating a workplace filled with forward-thinking. We look at innovation and how to inspire it across the organization. Forward-thinking is an essential part of how this company has continued to grow.

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Growth Think Tank with John Patrick Morgan

Why You Probably Shouldn’t Hire a Coach with John Patrick Morgan at Creating Company

Coaching has become a powerful part of personal growth and that has created massive company growth as well. However, many people wonder if they should hire a coach and end up doing nothing about it. It can be confusing. It is not inexpensive (and that is a good thing). Join the fun as I get honest with a friend and fellow coach. Today’s guest is John Patrick Morgan. He is a coach to entrepreneurs and other coaches. John Patrick’s background is deep coaching to transform clients truly. We have similar approaches in engaging clients, so this will be very interesting. We discuss why you may not want to hire a coach. We discuss the problems with standard approaches to coaching that might not serve you. John Patrick and I dive into the rarely discussed journey to hire a coach that gets many leaders tripped up.

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Growth Think Tank with Justin Holland

Weaponizing Core Values to Align Operations with Justin Holland at HealthJoy

Growth requires an intentional focus on the right things. One big part of that is living the company’s core values. Some leaders take it even further with a concept called weaponizing core values. Today’s guest is Justin Holland, President and CEO and Founder at HealthJoy. Inc Magazine ranked his company #142 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. HealthJoy integrates a client’s existing benefits to deliver each employee a personalized digital benefits wallet that keeps benefits top-of-mind. Justin shares with you his strategies for weaponizing core values that have profoundly impacted his company and its growth. We share the importance of living values in today’s interview.

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Growth Think Tank with Todd Walsh

The Ever Evolving Leader with Todd Walsh at Alpha Cubed Investments

Being an entrepreneur requires continuous learning. Embracing the identity of being an evolving leader will pull you to constant improvement. Today’s guest is Todd Walsh, CEO at Alpha Cubed Investments. Inc Magazine ranked his company #2689 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Alpha Cubed Investments is an independent, SEC-registered investment advisory company. The firm offers income, balanced, and growth portfolios and custom portfolios, primarily utilizing individual stocks and bonds with some ETFs (exchange-traded funds). Todd talks about the benefits of the evolving leader. We look at why it is so important. The journey of the evolving leader will give you a long-term advantage.

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Growth Think Tank with David Bezar

Become a Leader Worth Following with David Bezar at Thrive Financial Services

Leadership is more than a role. Those that have risen the ranks of companies may believe that leadership is about finally making it. But the reality, it takes more than most leaders are willing to give to becoming a leader worth following. Today’s guest is David Bezar, Senior Managing Director at Thrive Financial Services. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1503 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Thrive Financial is a client-first, independent, wealth management firm. David talks about what it takes to become a leader worth following. We look at various parts of leadership. David also shares what often gets in his way. Discover what it takes to become a leader worth following.

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Growth Think Tank with Geetesh Goyal

Speical 800th Episode – The Fastest-Growth Company on the 2021 Inc 5000 list – Human Bees with founder Geetesh Goyal

What does it take to be Inc’s Fastest-Growth Company? Well, it is more than just a great idea at the right time. The fastest growth company is one that can attract and retain talented people. They also know how to develop those people to drive growth. Today’s guest is Geetesh Goyal, Chairman & CEO at Human Bees. Inc Magazine ranked this company #1 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. Human Bees, are a nation-wide recruiting company specialized in placing engineers, IT professionals, manufacturing personnel, and admin/professional support. Human Bees has a mission to provide businesses with a unique solution to staffing needs and help people find jobs that are right for them. Geetesh shares his perspectives on scaling up a company. We look at the journey of the fastest growth company in this year’s Inc 5000 list of privately held companies. This is a VERY special episode. We have published 800 since the beginning of this podcast.

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Growth Think Tank with Sam Eitzen

The Journey of a Leader’s Sabbatical with Sam Eitzen at SnapBar

The stress of being a CEO of a growing company is comprised of pressure-filled moments. When it builds up, the answer is not to quit. You might consider the leader’s sabbatical. Taking intentional time away from the business and disconnecting from the day-to-day will give you perspective. Today’s guest is Sam Eitzen, CEO, and Co-Founder at Snapbar. Inc Magazine ranked his company #473 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. SnapBar has evolved over the years and now creates unique experiences for event attendees using technology in unique ways. Sam walks us through the pressures he was experiencing before he realized he needed a leader’s sabbatical. The signs may not have been clear, but eventually, he needed to look at his priorities differently. The leader’s sabbatical may be something that you need in the future.

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Growth Think Tank with Chris Hurn

Leading with Your Core Values – 3 Ss with Chris Hurn at Fountainhead

Fast companies tend to have in common the focus on leading with core values in mind. They make their values front and center. Discover why leading with core values is not something you can ignore. Today’s guest is Chris Hurn, Founder, and CEO at Fountainhead Commercial Capital. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1221 on the 2021 Inc 5000 list. They made this list three consecutive times. Fountainhead is a nationwide, nonbank commercial lender specializing in helping small to midsize businesses finance their growth. Chris shares why leading with core values is essential for growing companies. We look at how the company operationalizes its values. Learn how leading with core values will change how your company aligns with the work.

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Growth Think Tank with David Clayman

Value Acceleration before Planning Your Exit with David Clayman at Twelve Points Wealth

There may be a day in the future you want to sell your company. You will want to make sure you are getting the most for it. One term to add to your understanding is “value acceleration.” Today’s guest is Dave Clayman, Co-Founder, and CEO at Twelve Points Wealth Management. Inc Magazine ranked his company #869 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Twelve Points Wealth Management LLC provides wealth management services. Dave teaches us about value acceleration through the lens of a potential buyer. We look at one of the most missed aspects in leadership if you want to sell your company eventually. Value acceleration is not something you can make happen quickly — it takes time to get these things right.

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Growth Think Tank with Cory Brymer

Employee First Focus Impact on the Bottomline with Cory Brymer at BryComm

Many believe leaders must put customers first. However, fast-growth company founders and CEOs believe in employee-first focus. This is a very different approach to scaling a business. Putting employees first allows them to take care of the customers because they know leadership is taking care of them. Today’s guest is Cory Brymer, Founder, and CEO at BryComm. Inc Magazine ranked his company #3803 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. BryComm, a leader in delivering technology solutions, specializing in the design, installation, service, and maintenance of network infrastructure. Cory provides a deep understanding of why leaders must have an employee-first focus. He outlines the strategies he has used to build a culture of owners. The idea of employee-first focus is usually a threat to the traditional customer first that many leaders embrace.

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