
Growth Think Tank with Aaron Anders

Leaders Trust Themselves Even When Uncertain with Aaron Anders at Woo Tungsten

Confidence comes up in all parts of leadership. However, leaders trust themselves because they have to believe they will overcome challenges in front of them. If you are uncertain of the future, the worst thing you can do is sit in doubt. Today’s guest is Aaron Anders, a co-founder at Woo Tungsten. Inc Magazine ranked his company #235 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Woo Tungsten is an innovative e-commerce brand for those that love to fish. Aaron opens up to me about his understanding of why leaders trust themselves if they want to create their future. In my years of being an entrepreneurial leader, I know that leaders trust themselves even in times of doubt. Aaron talks about the power of taking action as a way to move forward. Leaders trust themselves even when it is hard and the future is uncertain.

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Growth Think Tank with Jonathan Propper

Leading Innovation for Fast Growth with Jonathan Propper at Dropps

Every company faces the need to stay ahead of the competition. Our job as leaders is leading innovation even when we are ahead of our peers. My research in fast-growth companies has revealed the constant drive of leading innovation. Today’s guest is Jonathan Propper, Founder & CEO at Dropps. Inc Magazine ranked his company #289 on the 2020, No. 1031 (2019) Inc 5000 list. Dropps is an innovative retail brand that has produced a dye-free, harmless laundry pod. Jonathan shares his perspective on leading innovation. We talk about his journey to create a new product and the failures along the way. Leading innovation is needed now as much as ever.

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Growth Think Tank with Christian Ranke

The Principals of Forming a Fast Growth Team with Christian Ranke at Tridata

Behind every great company is an excellent group of people. Forming a fast-growth team requires you to understand people. You have to study other companies to learn from their mistakes. Today’s guest is Christian Ranke, CEO at Tridata Inc. TriData Inc provides proven lean solutions in support of financial institutions and service providers globally. Their team of industry-leading professionals leverage relationships and ATM/ITM technical knowledge that spans decades. Christian give us his steps for forming a fast-growth team. We look at the counter-intuitive strategies of a fast-growth team. Discover how you can leverage growth through the talent and drive of your people.

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Growth Think Tank with Stephan Aarstol

How Working Hours Relate to Crafting a Powerful Culture with Stephan Aarstol with Tower Paddle Boards

People are the heart of every company. Technology, strategy, finance, and other business aspects are driven by crafting a powerful culture. The culture you have defines your ability to attract and maintain talented people. Today’s guest is Stephan Aarstol, Founder & CEO of Tower Paddle Boards. Tower Paddle Boards is direct to market paddleboard brand that has experienced significant growth since it struck a deal with celebrity billionaire Mark Cuban on the set of ABC’s hit TV show, Shark Tank. The company has nearly quadrupled in size and grown revenues near 500 percent. Stephan gives us his views on crafting a powerful culture. He knows the importance of people and shares his lessons — good and not so good. We all know that crafting a powerful culture will give you a place where you people do their best work and give them meaning in their work.

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Growth Think Tank with Jesse Kaufman

The 5 Phases of Growth with Jesse Kaufman at Shipping Tree

Growth is the goal of many driven, hungry entrepreneurial leaders. I have been researching fast-growing companies to see the patterns. In this episode, we look at my work and ability to codify the phases of growth. Today’s guest is Jesse Kaufman, CEO at ShippingTree. Inc Magazine ranked his company #212 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. ShippingTree is the complete e-commerce fulfillment solution for consumer product companies of all sizes. ShippingTree is a provider of cloud-based logistics and e-commerce fulfillment services for consumer product companies around the world. Jeese and I look through the lens of my research with the five phases of growth. He shares his journey through the leadership of his company. See where you are in the five phases of growth.

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Growth Think Tank with Karthik Ganesh

Growing Others Through Mindset is Leadership with Karthik Ganesh at EmpiRx Health

Leadership is an inside-out process. All great leaders have the skill of growing others through mindset. To change someone’s thinking, you have to be able to shift the way they see their world. Today’s guest is Kathik Ganesh, CEO at EmpiRx Health. Inc Magazine ranked his company #712 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. EmpiRx Health is built on the idea that the time has come for value-based care in the pharmacy benefits industry. Kathik shares his thoughts on growing others through mindset. We discuss what it means to lead others and to get them to expand their thinking. Growing others through mindset is one of the most powerful skills a leader can have.

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Growth Think Tank with Charles Rath

Becoming a Self-aware Leader with Charles Rath at RS21

Leadership is often challenging. Leading people requires you to understand yourself. Being a self-aware leader will help you know your limits. It is also essential as you lead others to be self-aware. Today’s guest is Charles Rath, President and CEO at RS21 Inc Magazine ranked his company #485 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. RS21 is a global data science company that uses artificial intelligence, design, data engineering, and modern software development methods to empower organizations to make data-driven decisions that positively impact the world. Charles gives his perspectives on becoming a self-aware leader.

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Growth Think Tank with Claude Zdanow

The importance of Culture when Acquiring Companies with Claude Zdanow at StadiumRed

Every company acquisition has many moving parts. Many people don’t look at the culture when acquiring companies. However, given that the “people” part of any merger is often the most challenging part, the culture when acquiring companies is essential. Today’s guest is Claude Zdanow, Founder and CEO at Stadium Red Group. Inc Magazine ranked his company #84 on the 2020 and #718 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Stadium Red Group is a collective of specialist marketing agencies. They believe in the power of combining the radical creativity of independents with the seamless integration of a one-stop shop. Claude shares his methods of looking at a culture when acquiring companies.

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Growth Think Tank with Tyson Smith

Putting Impact Before Profits with a Mission-driven Company with Tyson Smith at Reading Horizons

Today’s guest is Tyson Smith, CEO at Reading Horizons. Inc Magazine ranked its company #4161 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Reading Horizons provides a dynamic, successful way for people to reach beyond their limitations and discover new horizons by learning to read. Accordingly, Reading Horizons is dedicated specifically to helping people learn to read so they can be better prepared to accomplish real-life tasks that face them every day and so they can create opportunities to expand their horizons in the future.

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Growth Think Tank with Vanessa Shaw

Powerful Leaders Can Shift their Mindset with Vanessa Shaw

Every leader is looking for an edge or advantage. Powerful leaders can shift their mindset by understanding what it is. I had struggled at times with my mindset, especially when I was not aware of its impact on everything we do. In my journey to serve powerful leaders, I use mindset shifts to help them transform from the inside. Today, our guest is Vanessa Shaw. She is a fellow coach and works in similar areas as I do. We sat down to discuss the mindset of powerful leaders. We look at what gets in the way and how to leverage a mindset shift. Discover how you can be an influential leader and create more powerful leaders in your organization in this interview.

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Growth Think Tank with Erin Willett at Assured Consulting Solutions

Defining a Culture Early Drives Meaningful Growth with Erin Willett Assured Consulting Solutions

Defining a culture early may not seem important with all the tasks of an early-stage start-up. Many other things may seem more important than defining a culture early. However, when you have a solid base to build on, it is easier. One big reason is that each person you hire is essential at the beginning of any company — you want to make sure you get it right. Today’s guest is Erin Willet, a Managing Partner at Assured Consulting Solutions. Inc Magazine ranked this company #746 on the 2020 Inc list. This is their third consecutive year on the list. Assured Consulting Solutions delivers solutions and architectures that use leading-edge concepts and technologies that help their clients take advantage of the opportunities associated with large data sets. Erin shares why defining a culture early has been so crucial to creating a company to grow fast. We look at the foundational elements of culture in an early-stage business. Discover why defining a culture early will help you lead a company that serves your clients well too.

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Growth Think Tank with Ryan Hogan

As Your Company Grows, You Have to Unlearn Leadership Strategies with Ryan Hogan at Hunt A Killer

As your company grows, you have to unlearn leadership strategies that don’t work anymore. In the start-up phases of companies, the leadership is quite different than a more mature company. As you add people, you have to unlearn leadership that gets to the next level of growth. Today’s guest is Ryan Hogan, CEO at Hunt a Killer. Inc Magazine ranked its company #6 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Hunt a Killer grew a fantastic 20,485% in revenue over the last three years. This company is a subscription service for your game nights if you are into murder mysteries. Ryan gives us a look at what it took for his company to grow at this pace. We discuss why you must unlearn leadership as you grow a company.

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