
Gene Hammett

373 | The Value of Bold Leadership with Nav Salimian

Bold leadership is the new normal in today’s fast past world. Change is constant. I got a chance to go in the trenches with a bold leader, Nav Salimian. Nav tells his story of growth by breaking from the old way to sell their bold clothing online. His story is remarkable. He saw an opportunity that required a family owned business to let go of the past. You talk about taking risks to test new ways. You have to be willing to play in your zone of genius. The story of this brand and bold leadership is powerful. Today, we talk about the value of bold choice in leadership.

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Steve Little

280 | Keys to Your Exit Strategy with Steve Little

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Steve Little

It is not too early to think about your exit strategy. In today’s episode we look at some of the key factors of “The Exit.” My guest is Steve Little. He will share insights from decades of experience in selling his businesses. Plus, he has been working with others on their exits too.  Listen in for some key insights to making your exit as strong as possible.

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253 | A new dynamic in Leadership with Mitch Axelrod

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Mitch Axelrod

Leadership is different and has not changed either.  Now is the time to examine your leadership strategies to improve your goal setting. Discover the new approaches that our guest gives us. Mitch Axelrod shares how he looks at goal setting and why the process must change.

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252 | Celebrate 3 Years – What Happens When Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working with Molly Pittman

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Molly Pittman

How to get your Facebook Ads to work – today we talk with Molly Pittman. I want to say “THE” Molly Pittman because I am such a fan of her work. Molly is the VP of Marketing for Digital Marketer. She is also a co-host at the Perpetual Traffic podcast. She shares her 4 tips to fix your Facebook ads.

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249 | How to Break Through The Noise – The One Strategy You Need with Ryan Deiss

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Ryan Deiss

If you are in marketing, you likely know of Ryan Deiss. Ryan is the founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer. Over the last 36 months Ryan and his team have invested over $15,000,000 on marketing tests, generated tens of millions of unique visitors, sent well over a BILLION emails, and run approximately 3,000 split and multi-variant tests.  Today we talk about how to get traction for your business. In the practical and actionable portion of the interview, Ryan shares the #1 place to start that you can do this week to drive your business forward.

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172 | Working Hard Is Not The Answer with Michelle Bersell

Michelle Bersell When you have to make more money or launch a new project, do you immediately think you have to work harder? Well working harder is rarely the right answer. Today’s guest is Michelle Bersell who shares insights about what is really going on behind getting more done. Listen to this episode to discover the power of emotional blocks in your life.

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169 | How to Value Your Own Value with Carrie Greene

One concept that we constantly look at on our entrepreneurial journey is our sense of self- VALUE. Why? Because as many of us already know, it affects EVERY aspect of our business. Be it our interactions with our clients, what we decide for our pricing, and the impact and power of the service we provide. In this episode, we talk about just how important it is to develop a healthy mindset around our own sense of self VALUE with guest Carrie Greene.

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114 | Money Is An Echo Of Value With Bob Burg

Bob BurgMany people mistakenly interchange “money” and “value.” However, value comes first. Value is the relative worth of a service or product. Value is always from the perspective of the buyer. Our guest today is Bob Berg, Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Bob has written many books on sales and his perspective on value is critically important for leaders. Bob clarifies what he means with the quote “money is an echo of value.”

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Bob’s Target Audience: Bob serves the entrepreneurial market. Specifically, he targets those who love what they do, understand what they provide but are also uncomfortable with the sales process. They may not be completely aware of their worth. Bob aims to helps them develop better communication skills. Inevitably he then shows them how to make more money and serve more people.

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