Companion Exercises
Chapter 1
Your Inner Critic Is An Asshole
Get the 5 questions that help you manage your inner critic.
Chapter 2
What is significance to you?
Have you put much thought to “signifiance” and what it means to you? Join me to explore it deeper.
Chapter 3
Letting Go of My Truths
Take the journey with me about what I went through to let go of my truths. Learn from this deep look into the way I was “being” so that you can make your own shifts.
Mentioned in this video: (Your Truth vs. The Truth: Podcast Episode)
Chapter 4
The How Virus
Don’t let not knowing the “how” stop you from creating a big vision and making your impact in the world. I had no idea how to do all the stuff I encountered in writing a book. I just decided to make it happen.
Chapter 5
Start with Mission and Vision
When you are clear about your mission and vision you can activate others to join you in the journey. Take this worksheet and use the audio that goes with it to guide you to clarify your destination. Download your favorite versions:
Pages –
Chapter 6
The BEL Framework
Discover how to use the worksheet and see another example of the BEL framework in action. Download the worksheet: PDF
Chapter 8
The Fear Discovery Exercise
- What are your fears? List them one by one.
- Why are they here? Describe why each of these is a fear.
- How can you understand this fear better?
- What are you going to do with your new awareness of these fears?
External Fear Exercise
Based on my interview with Pat Flynn: On the Other Side of Fear is Amazing
- Is it normal to feel like this?
- What is the worst thing that can happen?
- What are some tips that you have for me?
- What books should I read?
Chapter 10
The Inner Game
Discover the triggers behind your thinking so that you can move forward with intention. Mindset matters the most, because it shifts all possibility and allows you to see new opportunities. The RIGHT mindset allows you to let go of the old strategies and allows you find new strategies.
This podcast episode was mentioned in this video:
(Your Truth vs. The Truth: Podcast Episode)
Chapter 11
Finding the essential
Greg McKeown, Author of Essentialism (NY Times Best Selling Author), shared a practical and actionable exercise with me that is powerful—if you have the courage to apply it. Go deeper with the interview on my podcast:
- Take a few minutes every day to make an essential list of six important things to do.
- Place them in order of priority.
- Cross out the bottom five. Take the top item and do as much as you can to get it done.
- Then move on to the next item on your list.
Chapter 13
New Strategies – Be C.A.L.M.
Use my C.A.L.M. framework to find new strategies for your next steps.
7 Power Tips for Increased Focus
What I learned about increasing my focus from while writing this book.
YouTube music that I used to finish the book: