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Are you interested in and how they engage their community? And how they’re getting the message out there about their brand? And about the new things things are coming forward.
I got insanely curious about this, so I had on one of their brand ambassadors. Ludo Ulrich, sat down with me in an interview. We talked about how is really looking to grow into certain areas and how they’re using brand ambassadors.
And Ludo talked specifically about some of the things he’s doing in the startup community. And I thought it was really interesting because he was not going to conferences just to speak and share that. He was actually partnering with them to come up with the best experience, and that’s really a great tip for you.
If you want to partner with an event to come up with the best experience for them. Then you can actually be a part of that process and the decision making. And they’re going to see the value that you’re adding there.
Now Ludo shared this tip with me, but we go deeper into it in the interview on Leaders in the Trenches. Just go to you can go right to Ludo’s interview or if you want to look at some of the other brand ambassadors I’ve been talking to like Microsoft and Keller Williams and many other companies. Then you can actually go to find all the episodes at
My name’s Gene Hammett. I work with hypergrowth companies to help them really understand the challenges of growing, and how they can actually activate the people inside the company, and the leaders to grow rapidly fast. That’s what I do and I love to do it, and I interview experts that are along that journey. So stay tuned for the next episode of Leaders in the Trenches, and if you want the episode with Ludo, just go