Why You Probably Shouldn’t Hire a Coach with John Patrick Morgan at Creating Company
Coaching has become a powerful part of personal growth and that has created massive company growth as well. However, many people wonder if they should hire a coach and end up doing nothing about it. It can be confusing. It is not inexpensive (and that is a good thing). Join the fun as I get honest with a friend and fellow coach. Today’s guest is John Patrick Morgan. He is a coach to entrepreneurs and other coaches. John Patrick’s background is deep coaching to transform clients truly. We have similar approaches in engaging clients, so this will be very interesting. We discuss why you may not want to hire a coach. We discuss the problems with standard approaches to coaching that might not serve you. John Patrick and I dive into the rarely discussed journey to hire a coach that gets many leaders tripped up.
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John Patrick Morgan: The Transcript
About: For as long as John Patrick Morgan, can remember, he has loved to take things apart and put them back together again. He loved it so much, that he began doing it with his own life and mind – taking apart his thoughts and rebuilding them to fit how he wanted to be in the world. John Patrick Morgan has lived many lives. His journey has taken him through Math & Physics, a real estate business, a web media company, and many adventures including working while traveling the world for years on end before the term ‘Digital Nomad’ even existed. Along the way he has had many incredible teachers – his parents, amazing business mentors, and many of the world’s most sought-after spiritual leaders and coaches. All of these people have taught him not only with their advice but also through how they are in the world.
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Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.
John Patrick Morgan: A lot of those founders’ CEOs don’t believe they need a coach or that it’s worth their time and that they should. And I was saying, I think they’re right. And that’s where like this, this interesting conversation on a folded from is because they’re in a position, let’s just go into it right now. They’re in a position of power and they’ve created this much success and this much impact on the world. And they don’t believe they should hire a coach. Like I’m not going to be like, well, they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. They don’t know how to get shit done. It’s like, well, yes, they do. Actually. That’s why they’ve created so much. Now what I think is happening is that they’re throwing out the concept of coaching with the bathwater of the fact that most coaches they meet will not have an impact on them or their business. And so there’s a place in them where they’re absolutely right. That most coaches they meet are not going to be worth their time. They’re not going to have the impact, but it throws out the possibility, the true possibility that there’s a person out there who they can have a conversation with that would change everything. It would take their business and their leadership and their life to a whole nother level.
Intro: Welcome to Growth Think Tank. This is the one and only place where you will get insight from the founders and the CEOs, the fastest-growing privately held companies. I am the host. My name is Gene Hammett. I help leaders and their teams navigate the defining moments of their growth. Are you ready to grow?
Gene Hammett: Today’s a special interview where we talk about coaching, but not from the perspective that you would expect. We talk about why you shouldn’t hire a coach. The conversation about coaching is misunderstood, and I feel like this conversation will help you with some of the questions that go on in your head. When you are considering hiring a coach or when you’re considering something different than what you have now. But today we talk about why you shouldn’t hire a coach looking at three key questions in that journey. Our special guest today is John Patrick Morgan. John is a fellow coach. He is working with high-level entrepreneurs leaders, and he also has a company called Creating company. He talks about what that is, but the core of today’s message is why you shouldn’t hire a coach. What you’ll get out of it is hopefully a different perspective and a belief around what coaching is and what it does for you. And you’ll probably be surprised by some of the things we talk about because it really will help you understand how to move forward in a different way because it really comes back to, are you willing to change the way you are today?
Are you evolving or who are you becoming as a leader before we get into the interview, I want to kind of remind you that the core of my business is to help you become a great leader. In fact, the mission of our company is to change the world through extraordinary leadership. I love the fact that I’m helping leaders create more impact in the world. Create more space for their family for themselves and create more, just success across the business. Team of people that are truly empowered and engaged around what they’re doing. That is the core of my work. Now, if you’re curious about what’s next for you and how you evolve as a leader, what’s getting in your way. And all you have to do is go to GeneHammett.com, schedule a call. I’m not here to sell you anything in that call, but I’m here to serve you to help you figure out what’s next. Maybe you shouldn’t hire a coach, but we can talk about what’s really going on. And you can make the decision for yourself from that conversation, but I want to serve you to the highest level. So if you want to be an extraordinary leader, just go to GeneHammett.com and schedule your call today.
Now here’s the interview with John Patrick Morgan,
John Patrick Morgan. How are you?
John Patrick Morgan: I’m good, man. How are you?
Gene Hammett: I am fantastic. We’ve known each other for years, but we rarely have a chance to, to be in the same room anymore.
John Patrick Morgan: Exactly, like a lot of us.
Gene Hammett: Well, we’re gonna have an interesting conversation today. This whole episode is a very different take on what I typically do. I’m typically interviewing founders CEOs from fast-growth companies, but you’re a coach you’re helping a lot of amazing people. , see new things. Do things differently. So I’m gonna give you a chance to talk about your businesses for a little bit, and then we’ll dive into the theme of this, which is why you probably shouldn’t hire a coach. Yep. You got that right? Why you probably shouldn’t hire a coach. So, , John Patrick Morgan, tell us about your company Creating company.
John Patrick Morgan: Yeah. And it’s just emerging. Essentially. I’ve been coaching for 12 years. , and, and I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was a teenager, basically I’m in my early forties. And, so over the last 12 years of being in conversation every day with people and helping them to create more in their life and their business, philosophy, has kind of emerged in the work and just as organically, I started, you know, clients started asking, could you teach me more about this? And so we’ve kind of organized the philosophy in the last few years. I have a team of coaches now that are working with me and teaching this coaching and this philosophy. And so we’re wrapping a company brand around that called Creating company. And the central idea of creating a company is, that the perspective you take creates your whole experience. And so when we help people to become conscious and aware of the perspectives they’ve taking on, not just like, oh, do I think this is good or bad? Like actually how you’re seeing the world, how you’re seeing yourself, what you think life is, businesses.
Money is your whole definition. Your meaning-making system. Your perspective is a deep perspective that you have, and that generates your beliefs and your experiences, which generate your actions which generate results. And so we help people to kind of get some agency at a really deep level of their construction of reality that shifts their way of being that shifts their actions that shifts their results. And, ,, well, we’ll be talking in-depth about that today, but that’s essentially what we do and we do it in conversation. And so you could call it coaching. We call it creating a dialogue, but it’s very similar.
Gene Hammett: Love it, you know, we were talking about what could we have a conversation about that would serve our audience and, you know, founders and CEOs are incredibly busy. They’re incredibly pulled in different directions. They have big missions, many, many clients have huge, impossible kinds of goals that they’re trying to create. , I believe they all need a coach, but we were talking about this. And then that’s the reason why the thing came up is why you probably shouldn’t hire a coach. So before we kick off into the details, Why do you think that’s a good conversation to have?
John Patrick Morgan: Well, because I know that you said you believe that they should hire a coach, but if we’re honest, what we’re actually talking about is like how a lot of those founders CEOs don’t believe they need a coach or that it’s worth their time and that they should. And I was saying, I think they’re right. And that’s where like this, this interesting conversation on a folded from is because they’re in a position, let’s just go into it right now. They’re in a position of power and they’ve created this much success and this much impact on the world. And they don’t believe they should hire a coach. Like I’m not going to be like, well, they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. They don’t know how to get shit done. It’s like, well, yes, they do. Actually. That’s why they’ve created so much. Now what I think is happening is that they’re throwing out the concept of coaching with the bathwater of the fact that most coaches they meet will not have an impact on them or their business. And so there’s a place in them where they’re absolutely right. That most coaches they meet are not going to be worth their time. They’re not going to have the impact, but it throws out the possibility, the true possibility that there’s a person out there who they can have a conversation with that would change everything. It would take their business and their leadership and their life to a whole nother level.
Gene Hammett: That’s an absolutely powerful kind of perspective to take on this. And you, you opened up with it’s all about the perspective you see in the company. Yes, they are successful, but my clients specifically have made the Inc 5,000 many times. Some of them are five, six times in a row. And the companies are growing, you know, three times, five times a year. So they’re able to get a lot done, but yet there are still some things missing and they’re still wondering, do I need a coach or not? Do I just put my head down and do the work? I hear this all the time when you, when you hear someone say, well, you know what, that sounds good. Let me just put my head down. And he’s just focused on what’s in front of me. What is typically you’re thinking?
John Patrick Morgan: My thinking is that they have a perspective that I can either work really hard and get results, or I can reflect and improve the quality of my life. The results out there in the world, but to the benefit of my personal experience day-to-day and if my personal life, and as long as you accept that dichotomy, you have those two choices and there’s no possibility for creating greater results in the world while having a greater quality of life and greater results at home. But the fact of the matter is while it’s a small percentage, there is a percentage of people who make a lot happen in the world, and they’re at peace on the inside. They sleep well at night and they’ve got quality time with their family. When a friend of mine is a chef, , private chef and works on mega yachts, billionaires, and stuff. And, and he’s like, yeah, a lot of, a lot of the time it’s like, yeah, they’re just like work, work, work. And they’re just not present with their family. It’s like, but a handful of these, these dudes, they’re like your phone shuts off at five o’clock they’re with their family. They’re totally chilled out. And it’s like, that’s, that’s where my interest in, who is the person that’s transcended that dichotomy.
How do they do that in my position is, and because I’ve seen this on a number of scales, it really comes from, first of all, seeing that you’re living in that fault’s choice and deciding that I’m going to take a stand that both are possible. And the moment you do that, just to do that, I mean, even if somebody listens to this podcast and just makes the decision, you know what, I’m going to work less and make more money, or I’m going to be at home more. And I’m going to scale the company that, that radical stance is where your creative genius. It starts to show you how, but you have to be willing to make a commitment that’s counter to the social, cultural norms, even the culture of, of, of high-level leadership. You might be the only one that, you know, who’s willing to do that, but you’re probably not the only one out there that is doing it.
Commentary: Hold on for a second. John Patrick Morgan just talked about quality time with family and you may be wondering what does that have to do with your leadership? Well, I think it has everything to do with your leadership because when I’m working with leaders, it’s a holistic approach. If their time with their family is suffering because they can’t get the impact they want inside the business, the growth acceleration can get the team empowered around this. Then they’re going to suffer in their quality time with family and quality time for themselves. But what if you could have both? I remember a client of mine who wanted to grow his business, and he knew that he couldn’t put in more hours because that would impact the family and he wanted to continue the business growing. And so he had to think differently. He had to be different. He had to show up as a different kind of leader. And I helped him figure out what was getting in his way and what beliefs he needed to reposition around this and how he could have both the company growth and quality time with his family fast forward to today. He has both of those. He has the ability to be with the family on a regular basis. He’s still going to work. He’s still driving the business forward, but he’s not spending every waking hour stressed and feeling the pressure of growing as a business. I share this story with you because maybe you can relate to wanting both, but not sure how to get it. I want to help you get both of these. So just go to my website, GeneHammett.com. I’d love to support you. Schedule a call. We can talk about it. And that would be a great place to start our relationship back to John Patrick Morgan.
Gene Hammett: This has different perspectives. I see the context of your work and how it plays in, in all of your conversations. I’m sure. Worked at your clients the same way because there’s only one of you that you bring, you don’t have different versions when you become a coach. , JP Morgan, or actually John Patrick, I guess we’re going by the another question that comes up around this whole theme of why you shouldn’t hire a coach. Is there an ROI to coaching? What is that ROI and will work with a coach? Give me what I really need. When you get this ROI question coming up in your work, how do you, how do you look at that?
John Patrick Morgan: Yeah, I honor it and once again, it’s like, if you’re worried or concerned. Yeah, you should be. You understand the importance of ROI, which is why you’ve gotten to where you’ve gotten. And so let’s look at that. So if you put the person coming and asking them, what’s the ROI on my coaching going to be, they still don’t understand, how coaching is powerful and they probably shouldn’t hire a coach yet, because what they’re doing is they’re looking at coaching. Like I put this money into this box called the coach, and then value comes out of it. Not, that’s not how. Coaching is valuable when you number one, identify what it is that you want to create as a return on that investment in coaching. And you look at what you put into it on top of the money, as instrumental in creating that result, it’d be like hiring a fitness coach and be like, the ROI is I want to lose weight. Here’s the money. Let’s just sit back and relax. It’s okay. Let’s see if I’m going to lose this weight. It’s like, that’s not how it works, man. You pay the money and you do the works. And you’re clear about the return that you want in that investment. And so how, what do you want to be different in your company? What do you want to be different? Your company culture? What do you want to be different? Like results or company is producing specifically? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how many degrees of separation it is from the coaching. Get clear. And what’re the material results that you want to produce through this coaching? What do you want to be different material in your life and your relationships, your intimate relationships and your family with your time with your wellbeing?
What do you want to be different and ask for the world? If you’re going to hire a coach. And you want to create a return investment. Like what’s the biggest return that you would want to create and bring that to your coach. I want a 10 X in my company. I want to stop working at noon and grow my company. It’s like, okay, cool. And then if your coach shits itself, like, okay, move on to the next guy, you know? But like, if they’re like, I’m game, let’s do this. And it’s like, can you have a conversation with that person that by the end of that conversation, you generally. In your body believe that you are closer to creating that than you did at the beginning, then okay. Then maybe have a second conversation. And then if you’re starting to see material results change, it’s like, now this works. Can I get that? I can create this ROI, but you gotta be clear on what it is. What is it? What do you want? And then you have to be engaged and committed to your role in producing that with the support with this coach.
Gene Hammett: Love the example of the fitness coach. No one would hire a fitness coach hoping to just sit back and, and on the TV and get thin or get, get ripped. The thing that comes up a lot in my world when this conversation comes up, so said you have people that think coaching is something that is, we should look at it by the hour. Like most of the time when there’s a monthly fee for what we’re doing. And there is a way to divide that into an hourly rate and it’s higher than most professions. I’ll be honest with you. What I charge, probably what you charge is higher than even some high price attorney. Yeah. But I also know. So we can’t quate the value of coaching to the number of hours we spend. The typical story I have around this, our share with this is the coach I got.
My first coach was Linda 20 years ago. , John Patrick, and she, was the beginner coach spent a few thousand dollars with her for six months, but I can trace back to questions in there that changed my world forever. One of them was, who are your most profitable customers? And that sent me into not just a moment of, of figuring things out, but absolutely years of figuring out for myself, for my clients, because the most profitable customers happen to also be the ones that are less needy, less demanding, and all of that. But, you know, one question can change our world and that’s what coaching is. Finding that one question or two questions inside of ours, our agreement. And I’m sure you’ve kind of had some similar stories in your journey.
John Patrick Morgan: Yeah, I have. , but here’s an, here’s a layer to that. To me, that’s important that maybe you’re seeing it, maybe you’re not, but like that question was asked of you inside the context of you making that. I would guess a substantial financial commitment to this thing that you’d never really done before. Right? So you invested thousands of dollars and somebody asks you a question. And in my experience, the fact that you’ve invested thousands of dollars in being asked, that question creates your experience of the question, your attention to it. The meaning you make of it, the value put on it the possibility for ROI, you put on it. And so that’s why when my clients invest six figures too, to, to work with me one-to-one and they show up for the first session, they’re not showing up like, ah, this is just like a hundred dollars therapy thing. Let’s see what happens, you know? Maybe I should, you know, if there might be a good thing to do, it’s like shit, man, I’m here to extract every ounce of value I can from this. And I, too, even to the fact where I could say almost anything and they leave that session, creating incredible value from it. I did a retreat with a handful of clients in Costa Rica, and I always use as a metaphor with clients.
The example I said, the way that we listen is so instrumental in creating value that you could lock me in a room with a bag of potato chips. And if I had something, I was trying to work out in my business or with my wife, if I had an hour with that bag of potato chips, I could through my intention and my commitment, I could read the information on that bag and the, and the combination of my commitment to creating insight, too, to, to shift my business and reading the content on the back of the bag on the back of chips. But give me the insight. I need to produce a change in my marriage and my business. And it sounds crazy, but it’s like the intention, the ideas we hold on our mind, our commitment to creating value is so powerful. And I actually did this in Costa Rica. I was like, let’s do it right now. And we had everybody take literally a bag of chips and look at it with the commitment to create an insight. And they all did. And so the same and it’s, so you can have a bag of chips or you can have a person that can in conversation, create distinction. That’s really powerful. And then you get. So a lot, when a client makes a powerful commitment to coaching, the coaches have bonus because it’s the context that they’ve just created.
It’s what they teach themselves. Also, when you make a six-figure commitment to your growth as an individual that teaches you something about what’s important to you, we teach ourselves what we value by where we put our money. So for me, it’s absolutely much more about the hourly rate and your fear. If you’re one of the best in the world, then your hourly rate should be one of the highest in the world.
Commentary: Now hold on, John Patrick Morton just talked about investing six figures in working with him. Now you may want to be wondering how is that even possible? What’s the ROI of something like that? Well, let me share with you the concept and add my story of what he talked about. Investing in yourself specifically. I remember hiring a coach about five or six years ago. And I was frankly, struggling in my coaching business. I was trying to figure some things out. My clients were doing really well, but I wasn’t making it just by being honest with you. And I hired a coach to help me figure out what was missing and what was going on. Yes, a coach can hire a coach and it’s actually very smart because that’d be a hypocrite if I weren’t willing to embrace in my own coaching. And I remember investing in myself at the time, it was a few thousand dollars a month and it was a pretty big investment for me, based on where my business was. And a lot of people will say you had a great coach. When I tell them that my ROI in the first six weeks was a hundred percent meaning I’m invested 3000 bucks a month. It was 12 months. I was able to create that level of income in 6 weeks. And everyone goes, you had a great coach, huh? And here’s the funny thing. The first six weeks I had not actually met with my coach. In fact, I had taken a little bit of his content. I had read a few things, but the big difference I look at this and I wrote about it in my book, the trap of success I invested in myself. So I showed up differently. I knew that things had to shift. I was frustrated. I was going to make a change. It had nothing to do with my coach. I showed up committed to the transformation. Nope. My question to you is, are you committed to your transformation? Are you committed to something that is beyond where you are today. All of these is the questions you have to answer. If you feel like you might be ready for coach. Back to John Patrick Morgan.
Gene Hammett: I want to go into the final question we have here because of this whole topic around why you shouldn’t hire a coach. I think it’s interesting, hopefully to others. I think we’re, you’re lit up about it. I can tell by your focus. , and it’s probably a different conversation you’ve had on any other podcasts you’ve ever been on.
John Patrick Morgan: I think so.
Gene Hammett: But the, the question I have here is, is it the right time for a coach? I think this plays in the mind of anyone that is considering leveling up considering doing something different, being different, but they are so overwhelmed with the current responsibilities, the current schedule, the current, , And they’re already burning the candle at both ends, as my dad would say but is this the right time for a coach? What do you, what do you, what do you think about that question?
John Patrick Morgan: My answer is yes. If you’re asking if it’s the right time for a coach, then it’s, now’s the right time, more than any time. And that’s not some clever sales pitch and like some kind of like objection, handling bologna. Let me actually give you, a deep understanding as to why that is. So one of the deepest concepts in the creating perspective, the work that we teach is doing is the seed and fruit of being doing as the seed and fruit of being. And what I mean by that is what we do, plants, the seed that becomes the tree, the thing that gives the fruit of who we are. Okay. And so when you do overwhelm when you say, I just got to get through this right now. And then when there’s a time, when there’s not so much going on, then I can do coaching. What you do by getting through is your teaching. You teach yourself that you’re a person that does overwhelm and that does getting through as a response to overwhelm. And then you hire a coach after the fact after you’ve just spent a bunch of time teaching yourself that you’re a person that does overwhelm. Oh, cool. So now let’s go hire a coach. To undo what I just taught myself six months ago when I met the coach. And so to him. So I think this is the thing that the deeper somebody gets this, the more power they have to create themselves differently.
What, for me, the best reason to take any action is because of who it teaches me that I am like, for example, we’re buying a house right now in Maui. We’re inside a rented house. We’ve got a lease much far beyond the closing date. We’re not going to live here. I’m going to pay the whole lease. Anyway. Why is that? Because I’m committed. And if I try to get out always on my way out or something like that, it’s like I’m teaching myself that I’m a guy that doesn’t do what he says he’s going to do. And that matters more to me than the money because who I become and who I will be is the source of tomorrow’s actions. And so it’s way more important for me that a person is, showing up now in service of who they want to be, then just trying to get through it and, you know, find a later time. Now we’ve got more work to undo.
Gene Hammett: When I work with clients in this area, is it the right time? They’re always coming to me because they wouldn’t spend the time to talk to me about their business, about what’s going on. If they weren’t feeling some kind of pressure or some kind of frustration. And then they questioned is this was the right time, because I have all this going on and I can easily look at them and talk about some of these. They just, aren’t thinking about there, aren’t thinking about the impact that the, that frustration has on their family. Right? You talked about quality time and family, but I ask questions about a family inside my executive coaching. Why? Because I know that your family and spending time with your family, your kids yourself is critical and essential to your overall success. Because if you get any level, of wealth or any level of impact in the world, and you don’t have those things and people you love, you’re going to regret it. And so I also think coaching is such a powerful way for you to actually get clear on your priorities and get in, and basically learn what to not do. I’m sure that you have questions about around or examples of this when you have to help your clients unlearn things.
So as a final way to close In this episode, what are things people unlearn when they’re working with you?
John Patrick Morgan: Well, I want to, I want to speak to the unlearning in exactly what you’re just saying. When a person’s feeling pressured and they’re not realizing the impact that’s having on their family and their home life. And they can awaken to that. What I find sometimes is that that creates a new level of stress. Cause like, oh my God, yes, this is impacting my family. , and now I feel more trapped because that sucks too. And I want to create more success here, but this, you know, it’s like, I’m overwhelmed and now I can see how it’s having an impact in everybody it’s like, oh my gosh. , and this, you know, the unlearning. Is the fault choice. Going back to what I started with the beginning of the unlearning is the idea that you have to choose between those two things because I could easily twist the knife and get somebody to say, let me prioritize family and work less. It’s unwilling to, you know, put my career at risk or to slow our growth. So that I can be more with my family because I appreciate it, I know that’s important to me. And I would regret that at the end of my life, if I didn’t, so I could get buy-in by twisting the knife and having them connect with like deep down what matters to them.
But I am actually offering a higher level of liberation by saying, you don’t have to choose between this believing that you do is what you want to unlearn. And it’s so deep. And so the unlearning. Help a person to see how they’re believing it and buying into it and living in this fault choice and picking one or the other. Cause people do the other thing, too. People pick family over having an impact in the world. They don’t create much impact in the world because they think in order to do so, they have to disconnect from their family. That’s also a false choice. It’s just not as obvious because they’re not out there making stuff happen. And so I don’t want, I want people to be free of that. And so helping them to see how they’re living that lie in either by making a lot of stuff happen or stuff not happening. That is what creates that next level of, of, of freedom and impact and joy and love and success all of it.
Gene Hammett: John Patrick Morgan, we’ve had an incredible conversation here about why you shouldn’t hire a coach. I’m going to give you a couple of sentences here on why you should hire a coach.
John Patrick Morgan: Yeah, go ahead. Oh, you’re going to give them,
Gene Hammett: you give me that sentence
John Patrick Morgan: you want me to give them? Yeah. Well, depending on the coach, well, you probably shouldn’t hire a coach because most coaches aren’t going to help you in a way that would be worth their time and your money, but you probably should hire a coach if that coach can help you see who you’re being at a deep level, that has, that’s having you live inside some dichotomy that leaves power on the table. That’s having you not be free where you could be free. That’s, you know, at the level of being loved the way you think about the world, this is the highest point of leverage for results in your life. How you interpret reality, create your experience, create the actions you take creates your results at home and at work. And if, and if you can find a coach that can help you to shift that it can change everything. And so when you find that coach, you should probably hire them because it’s going to be pennies to the dollar, to ROI. You’re going to create so much return on that investment.
Gene Hammett: Perfect, John, thank you for being here on Growth Think Tank, and thank you for sharing your wisdom.
John Patrick Morgan: You’re welcome. Thanks, Gene.
Gene Hammett: Fantastic interview for you. And I want to kind of carry on the conversation here because John Patrick Morgan talks about who are you becoming? I have this question inside my coaching all the time. My theory. You are who you are and you are being who you are being, and you have created exactly what you have today. It’s a perfect system. If you’re frustrated with life, if you’re pulled in many directions, if you’re not making the impact, it’s not going fast enough. Your family is suffering. You are feeling the pressure anxiety. Then you have created that. You’ve got to be willing to become someone else. So you gotta be able to let go of who you were to become the leader that you’re meant to be. Now I know that’s kind of theoretical. What does it really mean? Well, a lot of my clients have, this feeling that when they are showing up as a leader, they are being reactive. And if they’re being reactive, then that happens to cascade throughout the organization and the team is being reactive and that causes a lot of stress and pressure. Well, that’s all the perfect system inside this. But what’s the truth. When they figure out that they need to become different and they be needing to become intentional things start to change because they get to see from a different perspective that they can show up differently that their team can respond differently in these situations.
And their team could actually be intentional as well. That creates a better culture, a better climate for success and performance. And all of those things are related. Now I mentioned this to you in detail, because if you are right now, listening to this, If you can’t identify who you’re becoming, then you have a problem as you plan to evolve and be an extraordinary leader. And maybe your goal is not to be an extraordinary leader, but you want to be better than you are today. My hope is that you’ll take a chance on yourself. Go to GeneHammett.com schedule your call. Let’s have a conversation that gets to the heart of who you are. Lay it all out there. Get naked, not literally, but really lay it out there. And I want to support you in that. A lot of people don’t have a sounding board. They don’t. What’s really going on, , someone to talk to, and I want to be that for you. If you are listening to this and you hear my voice right now know that I’m talking about you. So all that being said, all you have to do is go to GeneHammett.com and schedule your call.
I’d love to support you to be an extraordinary leader. The leader that your team deserves when you think of leadership and you think of growth, think of Growth Think Tank as always lead with courage. See you next time.
Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.
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