Growth Think Tank with Manish Hirapara

The Importance of a Leadership Mindset to Company Growth with Manish Hirapara at Peak Activity

Leaders must think differently than those around them. The leadership mindset requires clarity in direction and confidence it is possible. I am obsessed with the leadership mindset in my work, so I interview extraordinary leaders to understand how they see the world. Today’s guest is Manish Hirapara, founder and CEO at Peak Activity g. Inc Magazine ranked this company as #585 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Peak Activity PeakActivity is a technology and marketing consultancy that helps enterprises achieve long-term, scalable growth. Manish shares why the leadership mindset is so important. We look at what gets in the way of leaders’ beliefs that don’t grow as the companies on the Inc 5000. The leadership mindset requires constant evolution to stay ahead of their team members.

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Dream big

Letting Yourself Dream Big and Three Steps You Must Embrace

Leaders are known for their ability to visualize a future that is not yet created. Great leaders can dream big about a future that very few people can appreciate. Many people will even say your dream is crazy. When they do, you are on the right track. When you dream big, you suspend the need for details that often get in the way. In this behind-the-scenes episode, I share with you one big thing that gets in the way when you dream big. You can also get a bonus of three steps after you dream big to help you achieve the extraordinary. This is a must listen to the episode for those who want to be visionary leaders and for those that know the power to dream big.

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Christopher Anderson at Ledge Lounger

The OYT Coaching Series – Chris Anderson – Creating the Space To Be Visionary

In our series on time, we aim to improve how you spend your time. One of the most significant issues I see with CEOs in my work is the struggle to create the space to be visionary. It is straightforward for leaders to focus on optimizing the time to get more things done. However, many are not making the space to be the most effective leader the company needs. Today’s guest on the podcast is Chris Anderson, Founder, and CEO of Ledge Loungers. His company ranked 1154 on the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Chris begins by sharing his top strategy for optimizing his time, which is having better one-on-one conversations. He shares small shifts in how he engages with his employees and executive team so you can improve your relationships. In part two, Chris is coached on creating space to be visionary for his business. You will discover insights to creating the space to be visionary your company needs inside this episode.

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Growth Think Tank with Todd Olson

A Look at Culture Shifts As a Company Grows with Todd Olson at Pendo

Just as your strategy changes and your target client gets better, your culture shifts as the company grows. There are defined inflection points that will help you anticipate the culture shifts as your company grows. My guest today is Todd Olson, CEO of Pendo. His company was ranked #73 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. We talk about the main inflection points as a company grows to 500 employees. In this episode, you will learn how to lead culture shifts as your company grows intentionally.

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Stop Overthinking

Stop Overthinking – Behind the Scenes

Many leaders I talk to have a pattern that gets in the way of their next level of growth. This pattern is overthinking a big decision. When you stop overthinking, you can connect to beliefs that allow you to trust yourself. I had to learn to stop overthinking as my company was growing from zero to multiple millions. Discover a simple framework that will help you trust yourself to a deeper level. It is so simple you can do it today and see immediate benefits. This behind-the-scenes look at growth and coaching will help you stop overthinking and give you tools to reach a new level of awareness.

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Growth Think Tank with Greg Ott

A Simple Delegation Framework that Empowers Leaders with Greg Ott at Nav

You know delegating is essential to managing more and more work. You want a simple and easy way to empower your leaders. Using a delegation framework will make it consistent every time you need to get support from others. My guest today is Greg Ott, CEO of Nav. This company was ranked #623 in the 2019 Inc 5000 list. Nav is a marketplace for loans – matching lenders with borrowers. Greg gives you his delegation framework that empowers leaders. The delegation framework also drives growth. If you want to learn how to improve your delegation, this is the episode for you.

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Growth Think Tank with Horst Schulze

Visionary Leadership – How CEOs Become Visionaries with Horst Schulze

CEOs around the world struggle in letting go of the day-to-day. They ask me how CEOs become visionary leaders. This interview kicks off a new series just for CEOs who know they have to move beyond where they are today. Today’s guest is Horst Schultze, co-founder of The Ritz Carlton and founder of the Capella Hotel Group. These brand names are in the top tier of hospitality and rated excellent by their guests. Horst was the visionary leader behind their success. He is also the author of Excellence Wins. He and I talked about how CEOs become visionaries. We look at what gets in the way. Horst shares his insights on the real reason why you must become a visionary leader. Join us for how CEOs become visionary leaders.

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extraordinary results

An Extremely Simple Formula to Create Extraordinary Results – Behind the Scenes

Years of working with very successful leaders and entrepreneurs have allowed me to see what works for extraordinary results. Today, I will give you the extremely simple formula that drives successful people. You can learn what is missing if you keep working toward a goal that is evading you. Sometimes it is just taking longer than you wanted. This formula for extraordinary results will give you the power to harness something exceptional. I used to struggle with big goals, and sometimes those goals would drain energy from me because I would look at them and know that I was not making the progress I wanted. I made a discovery ten years ago when I took the training to become a certified coach. In my coaching training, we looked at the formula I am going to share with you. I have made some changes to the recipe over the years to simplify it and ensure you don’t get lost in achieving extraordinary results. This is the PAR formula. It has three pieces.

In this video, I walk you through it. Many people get stuck on one part of this formula. It only takes a few minutes for me to help you leverage the PAR formula to create extraordinary results. Send me a DM if you want me to walk you through making this really work for you.

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Growth Think Tank with Marc Randolph

Why Culture Starts Early with Marc Randolph, Netflix Co-founder

Every company that wants to scale fast juggles many projects so they can move forward with speed. It is prevalent to put many projects before culture. In this episode, we look at why culture starts early. Today’s guest is Marc Randolph, one of the co-founders of Netflix. He was the first CEO at Netflix too. Marc had many other successes besides Netflix too. He is an investor and mentor to many legendary companies. He is also the host of a new podcast called That Will Never Work. Marc and I talk about the importance of culture in the early stages of business growth. One fact is getting the culture right in the beginning is more straightforward than changing culture when you begin to scale. Join us for this conversation on why culture starts early.

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Inc 5000 Founders 700th Episode

Not-so-obvious Lessons Learned from Inc 5000 Founders and CEOs – 700th Episode

A seven-year journey to get here. We reached 700 episodes and this very special one is just me. You get a summary of the not-so-obvious lessons from the Inc 5000 founders and CEOs. These lessons will challenge you and what you think to be right. I’m fine with pushing you to see a new perspective. You will discover lessons from proven leaders that have been in the top 1 percent in terms of revenue growth. Some of these are behind-the-scenes issues that sabotage my clients. Some are directly from interviews on the show. The most important thing is understanding even just one of these seven lessons will give you more power and clarity to be a more confident leader. They will guide you to extraordinary results. The not-so-obvious lessons in leadership will allow you to think about how you are able to evolve in each of the seven areas. Join me today in this very special — number 700 — and lean in to see which message is the breakthrough you need. You don’t have to be one of the Inc 5000 founders to benefit from these lessons. We all need these seven insights.

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Growth Think Tank with Michael F. Schein

Micheal F. Schein – Interview with the Author of “The Hype Handbook”

Getting your message out into the world has been getting more difficult for years now. The amount of content is causing noise across all channels. Some people are slightly better at the hype of influence. There are some that so powerful in the hype strategies that they are hard to ignore. Our guest today is Michael Schein, author of The Hype Handbook. This book looks at the strategies that propagandists and cult leaders use to get people into action. Michael Schein and I discuss how you can learn from these mischief-makers to increase your influence. Micheal Schein has articles that have appeared in Fortune, Forbes, Inc, and Psychology Today. Learn from infamous Influencers that have always deployed the power of hype to get what they want.

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Growth Think Tank with Jeff Hilimire

Developing Your Executive Leadership Team with Jeff Hilimire at Dragon Army

Mastering the art of developing your executive leadership team requires many skills. The leaders that you hire to support you in the journey to growth are usually competent and full of experience. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage. Developing your executive leadership team the right way is essential if you want to reach the company’s potential. Today’s guest is Jeff Hilimire, CEO and co-founder of Dragon Army. Jeff is a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits. Jeff is also the author of The 5-Day Turnaround. Dragon Army is an Atlanta-based mobile and innovation company that helps clients navigate today’s connected landscape. We look at developing your executive leadership team in depth. Jeff shares how we have been able to create strong teams at the executive level. Jeff and I go way back, and it is an honor to have him back on the podcast.

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