403 | How to Create a Best Place to Work with Robert Glazer
How to create a best place to work on this podcast. You have likely seen companies be honored with accolades about being a best place to work. My guest today shares how you can do it. Robert is the founder and CEO of Global performance marketing agency, Acceleration Partners. Discover how to create a best place to work in today’s interview.
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Target Audience: Robert Glazer is the founder and CEO of Global performance marketing agency, Acceleration Partners and the co-founder and Chairman of BrandCycle. A serial entrepreneur, he has a passion for helping individuals and organizations build their capacity to Outperform. Under his leadership, Acceleration Partners has received numerous company culture awards, including #4 on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work…
Robert Glazer: The Transcript
Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.
Leaders in the trenches and your host today is Gene Hammett.
Gene Hammett: Hi, my name is Gene Hammett. I’m the host of leaders in the trenches. And I’ve got a question for you today. What does it take to be the best place to work those accolades that are given out to companies that their employees have rated their company as the best place to work? What are you doing to make that happen? Well, I’ve got someone who has been listed on the best place to work by glass door. Uh, I think it was fourth on the list for small business. His name is Robert Glazer with acceleration partners. He’s a founder there. And we talked about the importance of putting employees first. You’ve heard me talk about that before, but he was very clear and why you must put employees first and what that does for the overall culture.
Gene Hammett: And he’s grown. Uh, I think he added 47 employees last year. He’s down to 140. Make sure I got those numbers right. But he has a fantastic story about what does it take to grow. We talk about some special insights. One is why he doesn’t believe in a two weeks notice. And so across the board, inside of his company, there is no such thing as a two weeks notice either way and what that’s done for his business. So we’re going to talk about the best place to work with Robert Glazer. And here is the interview.
Gene Hammett: Hey Robert, how are you?
Robert Glazer: Good. Gene, how are you?
Gene Hammett: I’m excited to have you here. At Leaders in the Trenches.
Robert Glazer: uh, excited to be here. Hopefully, I can climb out of the trenches.
Gene Hammett: Well, I think being in the trenches is a good thing. We could talk about that in a few minutes, but uh, I’ve already let our audience know a little bit about you. I’d love for them to hear it in your own voice. So tell us about you and who you serve.
Robert Glazer: Sure. I’m the founder and CEO of a company called acceleration partners and we manage what’s called large scale affiliate programs for some well known big global brands and affiliate program is where someone connects to a partner and gets paid on a performance basis. So a large brand, I’ll pick someone who’s not a client, but a large brand like Walmart might have 10 or 20,000 partners who all do different types of activity and all of that link is tracked and they’re only paid when there’s a sale rather than kind of paying for marketing on a, on a windows basis. So that’s, that’s what we do. And then, you know, how we do it is we’ve tried to really build a great culture where 100% distributed, um, yet we’ve been able to win a lot of culture and best places to work awards. And that’s been a real competitive differentiator for us as we’ve grown.
Gene Hammett: Well, the main topic today we’re going to have today with culture. But I also, I want to ask you from a growth standpoint, I mean, how many employees do you have?
Robert Glazer: Uh, we have probably 140 now. And
Gene Hammett: How quickly have you grown through that? Through
Robert Glazer: Like when did that start? And I think we’ve been in business about 11 years and about year eight we hit the classic kind of hockey stick where everything in last year we hired 47 people in 2018 and obviously we had some attrition in there. So, but two, three years ago were at, when we actually wrote a vivid vision and went on a three-year plan, I think we were about at 45-50 people.
Gene Hammett: Are you friends with Cameron?
Robert Glazer: I am. Can keep Cameron coach me at one point and I know Cameron through EO and that’s honestly been one of them, I never would’ve believed actually when we wrote that whole thing out that everything would come true. And now does it end of this year is the end of our first one that has to write another one. And it’s been interesting.
Gene Hammett: Well, I wanted to figure out, you know, for the audience to really talk about some of them, the impact that you’ve made. And we don’t have to talk specific numbers, but what is the one thing within the growth of the company that you’re most proud of?
Robert Glazer: I think it’s the consistency and again, we operate in an industry that is not, uh, you know, marketing agencies that tend to be really, uh, not good places to work, a lot of turnovers. I think our ability to offer a great service to clients has been our ability to retain our best people. And we really haven’t lost any of our stars. We have a turnover. There are people that that’s not a fit, but I’m more proud of how we did it. I, I think it’s great to be good at the product and service, but, but really how we did that and just the foundation of excellence overall.
Gene Hammett: You know, that opens up a lot of questions for me. I’ll go specifically into one. Um, I’m writing an article about this and writing a book too, but in my research with fast-growing companies, the ink 5,000 grilling astronomical rates, uh, I ask them this question and in a leader’s responsibility is to put employees first or customers first. What would you say?
Robert Glazer: Employees first. Because I don’t know. I don’t know how it works. I’ll tell you a story that I’ll give you a preview that’s coming up in my book. But we once had someone come to work for us from a company. It was really struggling who said that their leaders sat down in a new leader and said, just keep the clients happy. I don’t care about your people. And she was like, how am I supposed to do that work or services business? I think Simon Sinek or someone said, you know, you can’t, customers will never love a business if the employees don’t, don’t love it first. So I think all the stakeholders are in a, in a triangle, but, but your employees have to like working there. I don’t know how your clients will like your service.
Gene Hammett: And of course, leaders will say that they have both in both are important and it’s a very hard decision. But in my research and talking to over 300 Inc, 5,000 liters, it’s 94.1%. Uh, employees first.
Robert Glazer: And I always tell people, you know, about a lot of what I speak about is this notion of high, healthy, high-performance work culture. Like we are a tough place to work. We have ridiculously high expectations. We’ve grown x percent, you know, for 10 years in a row that’s not mutually exclusive with treating people well or having honest conversations with stuff doesn’t work. It’s not like couldn’t buy on violins. I think that’s what a lot of people assume. You know, we’re not like a family business. We would, it’s high growth rate, performance oriented. Our clients are demanding, but basically, we just try to grow our people with the business rather than constantly being cycling them out. Because if you grow, so I’m sure if you talked to these businesses if you continuously grow 20 or 30% a year, every time you double people say you break half your people have your processes. I think we’re happier to break our processes and fix those. But we’ve really tried to focus on growing employees holistically so that they can move along on that journey with us.
Gene Hammett: Well this is going to be a good conversation. Uh, the book I’m working on right now is from all this research and it, it really talks about how performance cultures are good until they’re no longer really serving the people. And so what better to look at is growth culture where the people are actually growing exactly what you just said. Um, and I want to shift gears right now because um, it’s like inside as I am about the book, he came here to talk about the culture of the company. So you mentioned vision. Is that the first place that you would recommend someone starting or is there a step before that? if you want to align your culture?
Robert Glazer: So my five elements of a great culture or it’s really three elements in two modifiers are and again, the hundreds of companies that I talked to, these are always in play. So they have a vision, here’s what we want to go. It’s exciting. You join up to have real core values, not the ones on the wall that no one behaves or acts. And then they have goals and targets and I think that’s where some of the performance and accountability comes in. So Hey, we’re on this three or march to get to this place, here are our values and here are the numbers and targets and things that we want to hit along with our march. And then the validators are consistency and clarity. And I think this is where a lot of stuff goes wrong.
Robert Glazer: So you’re consistent about values, you’re consistent about vision, it’s this medical and you’re clear about all those things. And this is where the system, the operating systems like decals or Ios or traction or Okr and they really help keep all that stuff in place. But I think the definition of a great culture, it’s just very consistent with what it says and what it does. It’s not an absolute, I think there are cultures that would really be great for one person, terrible for another. I have this whole example of, I use a lot of company a that’s like started by an ex-athlete and it’s all about competition. And the bonuses go to the top 10% of the people. And their growing 40% a year and creating new products and that works. And then there’s like the family company by the river where they grow 3% a year in value stability and value loyalty.
Robert Glazer: People in each of those companies are probably not like working in the other company. So I do the culture onboarding for everyone at AP. And what I will say is you and I both know every company has a culture by design or by the fall. But what frustrates people the most and talking to them coming in with her angry is where that past company, they might’ve just, if they hadn’t become the culture by default where no one preached anything, but it was very clear to see what the company valued. Like that’s fine. But it’s the one where they talked about these things and put them on the wall and then never actually in anything with them. So we just try to be really consistent across all of this stuff and do, and we always say like if someone doesn’t work out, they’re working out, not working out because for the exact reasons where they’re like, wow, you guys, when you said to own it as a core value, that’s really what you meant by own it. Like not blame other people and all this stuff versus like you guys say on it and you’re full of crap. They just, they more identify that this isn’t the right place for them. And 90% of the time when we were having a performance issue, that person opts out cause they’re like, this company is very consistent with what it says, what it does, how thinks I, I’ve identified that this isn’t me, so I’m going to raise my hand to kind of step off the boat.
Gene Hammett: Now, Robert, I don’t know how familiar you are with my work because I’m just beaming over here because one of the really the big idea behind the speech I give all the time is leadership. That inspires ownership.
Robert Glazer: Yeah.
Gene Hammett: So maybe you need to hire me. But the, uh, John Hall, our mutual friend has seen the speech.
Robert Glazer: All right.
Gene Hammett: I spoke at the same event they did last year in February. Um, but the idea behind getting people to own it, and I have my own thoughts and I won’t, I won’t take you right now, but what is one thing you could share with us that gets people to really own it?
Robert Glazer: Well, I’ll give you a great example. So we have debriefs that you have to write an AP and the actually the deeper can touch all of our core values, which are own it, excel and improve and embrace relationships. And we have, you know, we have one sentences and paragraphs behind all of those and I don’t expect everyone to have the verbiage correct. But there’s no one who doesn’t know own excel, improved race relationships. Like you have to know that. So we have a thing after action reports. If there’s a client leaves, if there’s a bad hire, there’s a financial mistake or whatever. You have to manage our has to write up a report and they have to share it with the extended leadership team. We review it and then it gets sort of released to the company and we’re all about like you can make mistakes and the point is like, let’s make it document it.
Robert Glazer: It talks about what processes need to be fixed, how can we avoid this next time? And it goes on. I can pretty much tell you after reading someone’s first Ar, whether there’ll be with a company in three to six months because they either take something that was external, like the client running out of money and talk about how they could have seen it better, what we could do or whatever. Or they take something that’s probably not as external, but they blame all external forces. Well, we couldn’t have foreseen this. We couldn’t have foreseen that and that when I read those reports it’s, and it’s just a huge example for me of whether someone is core value aligned or not core value a lot.
Gene Hammett: Yeah. And, and I’m sure you have questions and the hiring process to get people to, are they more aligned to what you already have values?
Robert Glazer: Yeah, we as part of our selling improve we are crazy about, and I drive everyone nuts about making things better. We talk about operating updating the operating system. Like we have one code base we run on but anyone can have a better idea to update it. We just then roll it out to, so I thought we were really good years ago we worked with our friend, you know we mentioned Cameron Herold that we had all these behavioral basic core value questions. And then cam was doing some interview training for our team and said, so how does the interview or know what a good answer is? Like what’s a one, what’s a 10? And we’re like, well that’s a good point. So now it actually, it says, here’s what you should look for. Here’s a one answer, here’s a 10 answer. We really tried to like codify this in the interview process so that even if the story sounds great, you’re then told really what you should be looking for and where you should
Gene Hammett: Within your culture. Do you have a favorite interview question?
Robert Glazer: That’s funny. It’s an article I’m thinking about, about um, writing. I don’t interview much anymore. Part of own it is that we’ve actually, I’m probably not the best interview or I work on the system, but we’ve, I don’t want to interview people and be like, Oh, Gene was really nice, but I didn’t do the work to know if gene could do the work. So I interviewed for my executive team and there hasn’t been that many in the last few years. I also think a lot of people rely on their interview Voodoo question, and this was the article I was going to write that they, there’s this question that they love to ask. That’s one question that they determine everything on. There’s no science behind it. If they looked across all the things, it’s not predictive. I personally believe in a repeatable process that we everyone does the interviewing, we bring the data together, we look at it, we go across the sheet that’s more done. But I will say the type of people that don’t work here in a fast-paced environment just get rattled easier and ambiguity. So for high level interviewing myself and my president has been known aspect, why shouldn’t we hire you? Um, and I, there’s no right answer to that but, but there’s just people who collapsed during that question or who can compose themselves and respond to it. And we’ve found that that composition is a key part of the success here.
Gene Hammett: I liked that question because it is challenging. I’m thinking to myself how I would answer that and I don’t even, I don’t know. I wouldn’t collapse, but I can’t…
Robert Glazer: Can’t give us a whole list of like really tough questions. And then, I was like, wait seven seconds. Like Sec, you know, don’t let them off the hooks, ask it, wait seven seconds. But there are a bunch of questions like that where, you know, if we talked to three people, what’s three things? What’re three misconceptions about you? You know, that’s another one. Not that we like forced negative questions, but I, it is very important on how someone responds to that and just thrown off a little bit. Can there’s not a right answer. I think it’s just about how you, how you stay composed.
Gene Hammett: Robert, given the context of this, I’ll share with me my favorite question I use with my clients and things like that is a, you know, tell me a time when you had a really big growth goal that you didn’t make. Yeah. And that’s a good part of the question, but the real, the real killer here is why didn’t you make it? Because if they blame someone else, what else?
Robert Glazer: Yeah.
Gene Hammett: You know, that they’re going to blame someone else in the work if they said, you know what, I wasn’t disciplined with my diet. I didn’t make the real commitment to get in the gym or whatever it may be. Um, and they took real ownership of that. You know that you can work with that person at a higher level. Um, when we do debriefs, again,
Robert Glazer: Not that we have a lot of turnovers, but we just really examined things excel and improve and facialist is really important, but it almost always owns it just, it that becomes the core thing. There are people that just own it and people that don’t, and I would say like if they own it, then it’s easier for them to embrace improving it or embrace relationship. But that ends up being the gating factor. We just, everyone’s very transparent. There’s a lot of him, hey, I screwed that up. Not, you know, you want people competing in your company to say that they screwed something up rather than deferring the front and Glam to others.
Gene Hammett: I want to go back to culture for just a few minutes. What’s the hardest thing about maintaining a top culture? Because you know, you recently won accolades and glass door. For what? How, what specifically were the
Robert Glazer: Phrasing? 2018 we were number four on the SMB business list.
Gene Hammett: Which is the best culture?
Robert Glazer: Best places to work in the U.S
Gene Hammett: Okay. So what’s the hardest thing about maintaining that?
Robert Glazer: Yeah, I think the hardest thing and, and you know, everyone’s always worried about it and I tell them, don’t be worried because if we can’t maintain this culture, I don’t want to get up and come to work here every day. But it becomes, you have more levels, right? So, so you’re ambassadors of the culture move a move, sort of a level down and, and a lot of stuff goes through them. So there’s a lot more repetition required. Again, we still, we don’t want bureaucracy, we want to follow all these things, but it’s less me to a manager or me to employ and me sort of coaching or leadership coaching are up and coming managers on how to, how to live that and embody that and teach it it in others. So I just think as you have more people, that requires these principles, require more repetition throughout the organization. But if you get hiring right on culture, you have saved yourself 90. I’m in if you’re talking about 80, 20 roles, I would put all of my work into higher incorrectly because everything else that comes after that is you just, we have so many people that come in and they just ooze the co, they raise their hand and volunteer. They just like, there’s nothing I have to do with those people. I, there’s no coaching. There’s nothing around that. So, that really cures a lot of else.
Gene Hammett: As they say, batteries included.
Robert Glazer: Yeah.
Gene Hammett: When you think about creating a business that’s going to meet change and go through different growth spurts and changes in the market, um, what, what do you think about how you’re, the way your team collaborates together right now?
Robert Glazer: Yeah. It comes back to of our core values that, that, um, excel and improve. So we talk about how that, like you, can’t actually have excellence without improvement, particularly in digital marketing. If you’re doing the same thing as three years ago, it can’t possibly be excellent. Right? It’s, it’s changed. So, so we, we are constitutionally trying to challenge the status quo feedback, you know, value, innovation, value new ideas. I just think what you reward get promoted and recognized. So we call people out for innovative stuff that they did. We just had someone on our all company called you kind of a case study of he was able to solve a problem that no one could solve for a couple of years with the clients. And so yeah, we’re giving recognition to the people who are breaking the mold and pushing it rather than recommended it to the people doing the same thing for three years.
Robert Glazer: I think of the culture rewards people being safe, then you will have safety if it rewards. It’s kind of risk-taking learning and feedback then you that is where innovation comes from.
Gene Hammett: You know, one of the aspects of ownership that I focus on, and I don’t know where you stand on this, but I really have seen the value of encouraging the entrepreneur spirit across the company. What got your business off the ground? Robert was, you know, maybe a little bit of a naive, knowing what you’re heading into and also risk-taking and courage and you know, persistence and resourcefulness and all of those things that make you who you are as an entrepreneur. Don’t you want more of your employees to have those kinds of approaches to their work?
Robert Glazer: Yeah. And then you have to sort of align their, you know, their compensation, you know, to that too. I think that gets tricky if I, I’ve seen, cause I want to ownership culture, but you know, I get all the upside. Well and that doesn’t, that doesn’t really work. But yeah, I agree. And, and we love people that are entrepreneurial and independent India. Sometimes those people are problematic and companies but it’s good. We don’t, we try to not have a lot of top-down rules or processes. Like someone says, Hey, what can we do an x shore? Can you take the lead on that? Or I’d love to do, people know that if they raised their hand and raising their hand is that is the way to do it. So I really think it’s about what you reward. If you reward that behavior. And I don’t necessarily mean financially a lot of kinds of cultures, but it’s, are you calling it as out?
Robert Glazer: Is that the example? Are you, you know, are you making a case? You know, for those things. Um, then you’ll get, you’ll get more of it. But yeah, I think everyone needs to feel empowered. I think part of the thing about a vivid vision that really works is that there’s no how it’s like, Hey, here’s where we’re marching towards and a couple of years, but I need you guys to build the plan and own that plan and carry your piece of it.
Gene Hammett: You know, one of the other elements of culture that we talked about in the beginning, and we’re running out of time here, so I want to make sure I give you a chance. What have I not asked you about this very important to you having one of the best places to work?
Robert Glazer: Yeah. Well, one of the things that we have done, our newest thing, and people can, can Google this and look it up if they want to, but it’s this program called mindful transition. So one of the things that I got frustrated with as the place trying to build a good culture is this whole sort of a two weeks notice paradigm. Like, well why? So you know, we have this open culture and whatever and Gene just gave us two weeks notice and he’s been interviewing and now all these doctor’s appointments he asked for, I’m not so happy with him. And we kind of a couple of years ago we’re like, can we blow this up? Um, we call it talks about our moonshot and us, it took a while, but we built the system. We made it totally safe for people to have honest conversations and say either way, like, look, this isn’t working out and maybe can we help you find you something better? Or when people tell us that they’re interested in leaving or thinking about something else, they can continue to work here.
Robert Glazer: We work on a mindful transition plan. They can interview openly with their boss. I just think we are, it’s fluid now. People don’t stay at a place forever. And if you discourage these conversations, a lot of times you don’t find that someone wants to do something different and you’re going to have that role in six months and we would’ve lost some great people if we didn’t have those conversations and know that we were going to have roles for them. So we, we’ve mostly really eliminated this whole aspect of two weeks’ notice and we have, uh, people that are working here now that we know are leaving in eight to 12 weeks and that’s also directs working here. And that if, if people know that hey if it doesn’t work out, um, and again, you can’t meet our performance standards with a value fit, I’m going to separate that and my care for you as a person.
Robert Glazer: Like “I like Gene, I was not working out, but I, I make calls, I do references, our team helps people find the job.” Like we want those people to do well even if this isn’t the right place for them. So that’s been a really important program for us. I think it’s something different and honestly now we’re trying to just get the word out and get other companies to do it because we think it’s a better way and we’re amazed at how many companies still kind of operate on the two weeks notice thing when all aspects of their culture that they’re working on would not align with that.
Gene Hammett: I’ve never heard that before and I could see how it removes the stigma of you know, something playing in their head. They’ve got, maybe I need to go look for another job, but you’re, you’re having an open transparent conversation, which that’s probably a critical part of your culture as well, right?
Robert Glazer: Yeah, totally open. And we always say like early detection system because when things become everyone, I have all the objections and the book on this, well I think I’m toxic and the stealing, I’m like, look, this is way down the line when you’ve ignored this for like a year. So we first start having the conversation like Hey Gene you’ve been late like a couple of weeks. And we’re like, what’s going on? Oh my, my, you know, I lost my sitter. Well, all right, well should we, can we change your hours or is this not the drive you want any more? And, and just have that discussion. And we just have never felt like they need to leave right away. We hire great people. And someone once said to me, for the companies that are so worried about people stealing and cheating and whatever, it’s like, look, either you’re hiring terrible people, there’s something about your culture has made them this way.
Robert Glazer: Like, we hire good people and who are good human beings. And so when something is not working, we hope that we can have an open discussion with them and help them find something that, that that’s a better fit. I mean, I was talking to one head of culture a couple of months ago and they were saying, well look, we have a great culture. We do all this stuff. But the day that someone tells us they’re leaving, you know we think of when we walk them right to the door that day, we just think it’s best to walk them to there and be done. And I, and then when I said to her, I was like, but you understand the message that that sense and I understand you’re saying it’s on good terms and people will call it like the messages as soon as you leave or announce leaving or anything you or walked to the door that day.
Robert Glazer: So you will never hear from anyone earlier in the process because that’s not the message. Even though you’re not shaming them or whatever you’re at, but you’re asking them to leave that day. You’re saying that as soon as you tell us, you know, it doesn’t work in interviews. So I actually think what they wanted was the opposite of what they were getting. But you have to be really careful about the signals that you said. We’ve said to anyone if you call us out, if anyone had had one of these discussions and felt that they were treated unfairly or walk to the door or whatever, you know, you can let everyone know and we have to hold ourselves honest and accountable for that.
Gene Hammett: Well I appreciate that. One last follow up and I just want to give you just a chance to give us the value of this. When you have that, you call it a mindful transition, mindful transition program, transition program.
Robert Glazer: You can Google that and there’s a video on it and a case study from a keynote, I did a tiny pulse. If people want to read,
Gene Hammett: How are you getting people to reengage? Like not leave. Like once they have that open conversation with you and be like, this wasn’t working out. You guys address it and then they ended up being a great employee.
Robert Glazer: Yeah, so so we actually, I have this decision tree in the program and the book, what I always say is that we treat symptoms, not root causes. It’s kind of like Western medicine versus eastern medicine where you give three people a, an aspirin for their headache and one’s dehydrated, you know, one’s allergic to gluten and one has a brain tumor. So you know very different things.
Robert Glazer: So as soon as we dig in on any issues of unhappiness or problem early and a lot of times yeah, we can figure it out, this isn’t the right role. We can switch them to another role we had, we had two people recently who really want to do different stuff, non-client service roles. They had those discussions early soon. We talked about how we needed this new operational role. We were able to say to them, can you hold on for three months? And then their performance jumps because they know that they only have to do this for three more months and then they’re in their new role. So yeah, a lot of times you headed off by figuring out what the problem is early and before all the symptoms pile up, you solve the root. In fact, I a big, I think performance improvement plans are really wrong and 99% of cases, because I think they’re treating that symptom. You should always assume that when someone’s threatened with a gun to their head and their job, they will perform better for 30 days, but if you haven’t addressed the underlying issue, it’s just going to come back. How many times does someone jump up on a pip plant? If they, if they’re in the wrong career or not good at sales and you put him on a pip, again, that motivated, they’re going to come back. So we find this whole program is actually the transition. The last piece of it, the first part is how do you create a culture of openness? How do you get all these discussions going and then it’s only in actually not a majority of circumstances that would you say, all right, we need to work on an external transition.
Gene Hammett: Perfect. A good place to wrap this up, Robert. Thanks for being here at leaders in the trenches. How can our audience get in touch with him?
Robert Glazer: Sure. Best way to find me is at RobertGlazer.com. Or you can join 100,000 other leaders who follow my Friday 40 each week, which you could probably Google Friday forward or it’s FridayFWD.com
Gene Hammett: Fantastic. Well, thanks for being here at leaders in the trenches.
Robert Glazer: Thanks, Gene.
Gene Hammett: I love these interviews talking about growth, talking about people, putting them first about how you do that in unique ways. I pull so many interesting insights out of this and reinforce a lot of the stuff around fast growth for my own book that’s coming up. Uh, I, if you want the insight behind the research I’ve done lately, make sure you go to a genehammett.com/hypergrowth that’s one word, uh, hyper-growth and you can find the six disciplines of hypergrowth. You can get that absolutely for free. So download it now and you will be able to understand exactly what I mean when you put actionable tactics in place so that companies can grow fast.
Gene Hammett: Well, that’s my take today. As always, lead with courage. I’ll see you next time.
Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.
In this episode we’ll cover:
- A Best Place to Work
- Performance Work Culture
- Growing Employees
- Performance and Accountability
- Basic Core Value Questions
- The Key part of Success
- Aspect of Ownership
- Encouraging Entrepreneur Spirit across the Company
- Feel Empowered
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