Leading Your Team to Embrace Informed Risk-taking – Behind the Scenes

Al innovation requires Informed risk-taking. Leaders often encourage employees to bring more creative ideas to work. When you have a culture of informed risk-taking, you have people pushing the boundaries of results. Today’s behind-the-scenes video is all about employees being courageous and resilient. Discover how you can lead more informed risk-taking across your teams.

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Behind the Scenes: The Transcript

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Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

[00:00:00] Do you want your employees to take more risk, to really push the boundaries of innovation and creativity inside your business? Well, you have to understand some of the things that play. If you want them to take more risks. I have recently been contacted by a company to do a workshop with their growing team on informed risks.

[00:00:21] Now, I can’t share who it is. But it’s a multi-billion dollar brand and I’m not saying this to brag, but they are focused on they’ve had 30 people plus working on the growth of the business and inside that growth, they know that it takes a level of informed risk-taking that you have to have. And so I’ve been preparing for this conversation with them.

[00:00:42] And so I want to share with you a little bit behind the scenes, cause that’s what I do in these videos about what does it take to encourage and lead this? Well, I want you to really think about this. It’s not about the doing part. It’s about the being now. I’ve probably shared some of the models I use inside my coaching and bringing that forward to you today because a lot of people focus on what do I need to do to take more.

[00:01:08] And that can work, but it’s typically short-term. A deeper understanding is who do you need to be a risk-taker. And when you look at informed risk-taking there are three things that you have to be and get. To really be able to have an impact or an effect from the work that you’re doing now as a leader, what you want to be able to do is identify what’s getting in the way of them being a risk-taker.

[00:01:35] And you have to identify first the fears because they’re being fearful. And what you wanted to be able to do is identify the fears of why they’re not sharing those ideas, why they’re not coming up with ideas that are on the boundaries of maybe a little bit crazy, because if you really want to make a splash if you really want to do something, you probably can’t do just a little bit better than the competition.

[00:01:57] You got to do something completely different. Most of the innovations happening that we admire are doing something really different when Uber first came out, maybe people thought it was crazy. Now it’s just commonplace. That you would get into a stranger’s car and they would take you to where you’re going and, you know, everything’s taken care of, and it’s all automated through technology.

[00:02:17] That was an innovation at the time. And there are many more innovations we could look at, but you want to make sure that you are identifying if they’re being feared. How do you move them to a place of courage? Now, the words could be different inside your organization. But what I find is that you want to make sure that you have these conversations with people to make sure that they are able to identify how they’re being.

[00:02:38] Now. They could say shy, they could be quiet, they could be uncertain. All of those things could be a play of how they’re being right now that keeps them from sharing those ideas. But if they’re courageous, you would ask them w what would you do if they were really courageous in this place, in their role?

[00:02:56] And they’re able to identify the things that would happen from that, the thing, the doing side of it, but the being comes first. And when you combine those together, it really is a powerful force inside of all right. The second piece behind this is what happens when their ideas don’t work out. Maybe they can’t sell them to others.

[00:03:17] Maybe corporate says that and you may be corporate in this case, says, no, we’re not ready for that yet. They’re going to get told no a lot, but you’re asking them to, to innovate and be creative. You’re asking them to take risks. And so this is commonplace inside of every organization for people that are being courageous with their ideas, that they’re not all going to be great and that we can move forward on them.

[00:03:42] So they’re gonna be told no, and they’re gonna feel a little bit of resistance to that, but you’ve got to make sure that they don’t fall prey to, oh, I’ll just stop doing I’ll stop showing up that way because it’s just never going to work. You want to make sure that they’re resilient, they’re being resilient as they move forward and coach them to be more resilient of taking the nose and channeling that in to get better at what they’re doing, master the art of risk-taking, and sharing those ideas.

[00:04:14] So, first of all, we talked about being courageous. Now we talked about being resilient and the third piece to this puzzle is being implemented. Being able to sell those ideas. What does it take to sell the ideas? How do we really need to connect with our audience so that we sell ideas? You as a founder, listening to this, you might be used to selling your ideas all the time, but everyone across the organization has to understand what it takes to sell their ideas and be informed.

[00:04:41] Risk-taking requires you to be able to collect the data, collect the insights, collect all of the things necessary, whether it be a business case and the competitive of view of this and the risk associated. And that’s the informed part, but how do you put that into a story and get people to see the opportunity the way they think.

[00:05:01] That is being influential. And so if you have employees that are being courageous, being resilient, and being influential, my guess is you’ll be pretty happy with the outcomes that they’re able to create over time. Not everything will work out. They’ll learn from a lot of these things, but they won’t stop.

[00:05:18] They’ll continue to push for the boundaries and the edge. And you, as a leader can encourage this kind of thinking. I want to create more content like this that you could share with your employees. And that you could have conversations around. What does it take for us to be more, a risk-taker inside your role and have those conversations so that people are willing to grow?

[00:05:40] My hope is me laying it out into this framework and giving you some tools. And part of that conversation leads to richer conversations with those people and allows you to be the leader that. All of this to be said, my job is to help you be a leader that everyone wants to follow, help. You really understand what’s missing from your routines and conversations that are necessary to move you forward as a leader and raise everyone up.

[00:06:09] I create content like this, you know, from my research with fast-growth companies. If you have any thoughts about what’s next for you, your role, make sure you reach out to me. I’d love to connect. My name is Jean Hamot. I work with fast growth leaders and their teams to help them do the impossible and grow, create amazing predictable growth inside their businesses and want to help you too.

[00:06:31] When you think of growth and you think of leadership, think of Growth Think Tank.

[00:06:34] As always lead with courage. We’ll see you next time.

Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.



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