
founder alignment

Founder Alignment is Essential to Company Alignment – Behind the Scenes

At times founders of companies will find themselves out of alignment. Just like with a tire alignment on your car’s suspension. You need to have regular founder alignment conversations. Sometimes it is about strategy forward. Founder alignment can also be about the deeper issues that plague company growth. Over the years, I have facilitated many conversations with founders to keep founder alignment in check. In today’s behind the scenes, we look at what often gets in the way of founder alignment.

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Leadership Decisions

Leadership Decisions Often Require You to Take the Hard Path – Behind the Scenes

Every leader faces challenges. The nature of the role requires them to face leadership decisions with confidence and courage. With over ten years of working with high-level executives and entrepreneurs, I have noticed that leadership decisions often require you to avoid the easy path. When you face a challenge, you always have options. In today’s episode, we see how you can see those options and make the right leadership decisions.

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Using Your Company Mission

Using Your Company Mission to Align the Hearts of Your People – Behind the Scenes

Being a mission-driven company requires that you integrate it into the daily functions of the company culture. Let’s look at using your company’s mission to change the vibe of the culture. I share with you a simple strategy that allows you to repeat your mission without actually repeating it. Using your company mission in a way that creates unity will improve the company culture.

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Inspiring People

Inspiring People to Walk Through Walls – Behind the Scenes

Leaders will all agree that they want more loyal employees. The strategy for loyalty is extraordinary leadership. In other words, leaders must learn the skill of inspiring people to walk through walls for them. In today’s behind-the-scenes video, you look at inspiring people to be loyal. You will discover the two essential elements that increase loyalty. Learn how inspiring people is not as hard as you think.

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managing tensions

Leaders Often Resist Managing Tensions – Behind the Scenes

Leadership requires you to execute plans, be strategic, and effectively communicate the vision. But the real work of leadership is when it comes to people. Leaders also must be skilled at managing the tensions of the people that are expected to do more with less. They have to find alignment in a sea of chaos. Managing tensions requires you to be a great listener and an even better coach. You will struggle if your strategy is telling people what to do. In this behind-the-scenes episode, you will get context to managing tensions to help you be a better leader.

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informed risk-taking

Leading Your Team to Embrace Informed Risk-taking – Behind the Scenes

Al innovation requires Informed risk-taking. Leaders often encourage employees to bring more creative ideas to work. When you have a culture of informed risk-taking, you have people pushing the boundaries of results. Today’s behind-the-scenes video is all about employees being courageous and resilient. Discover how you can lead more informed risk-taking across your teams.

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Managing Up vs Managing Down

Managing Up vs Managing Down – Behind the Scenes

Managing down has been the most typical approach to leadership over the last century and beyond. Managing down is based on authority, power, and even fear. Telling your people what to do is one behavior of managing down. Today, we look at managing up. In organizations where people are empowered and take ownership of their work, managing up makes that happen. In this episode, you will get new perspectives on the power of managing up that is common for fast-growth companies.

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difficult conversations

The Energy Shift in Difficult Conversations – Behind the Scenes

Every leader has to get comfortable with tough conversations. The challenge of these conversations is not the talking. It is the fear and resistance that comes up that stops you from initiating the chat. Today we look at the energy shift in difficult conversations that can remove your resistance. This is a simple mindset transformation. The energy shift in difficult conversations will make it easier to get over the friction.

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The BIG Challenge in Leadership with Co-founders and CEO/COO – Behind the Scenes

When companies grow fast, they have to overcome many issues. One big challenge in leadership happens at the top of the company. I see these co-founders and CEOs with their COOs. This challenge is not easy to fix because it is not logical. The big challenge in leadership is more about relationships. Leaders at the top of companies usually have different skillsets and even different strengths. Both of these are what drives issues in alignment. In today’s behind the scene, we look at what is missing in the relationship that hinders company growth. I have seen this big challenge in leadership slow growth in companies and seen it tear things apart. Let me share with you how you find the right kind of alignment.

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Being Transparent is a Part of Modern Leadership – Behind the Scenes

Many leaders don’t understand the benefits of being transparent. They also don’t understand the transparency line. In today’s special behind-the-scenes episode, you will discover the importance of being transparent. We look at some examples that will help you to be a better leader. In my experience, leaders that wrestle with transparency also struggle with trusting others.

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new leadership mindset

Each New Level Requires a New Leadership Mindset – Behind the Scenes

Everytime you move up on the five phases of growth you have to adopt a new leadership mindset. Your mindset is how you see the world. It is also what you believe to be true. We all have limiting beliefs that seem natural to us. When you develop a new leadership mindset, you are letting go of old patterns of thinking. This is not easy to do because of the correlation of mindset to identity. Join me as we look at a new leadership mindset as you reach new levels of the company.

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c-suite executives

C-Suite Executives Must Unlearn Doing to Be Successful – Behind the Scenes

You are likely where you are today because you have executed consistently at a high level. This is how you rise to the ranks of the C-Suite executives. To perform at the level you are expected to, you have to change how you approach work. We look at the details of less doing and more thinking in this behind-the-scenes episode. When you join the c-suite executives, you are expected to think much more than before. This will be a challenge because part of your identity has been in the act of doing. The executive leadership team has to learn to let go of doing work and spend more time on strategy and developing others. Discover why thinking for C-suite executives is so essential to the growth of the company.

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