Attracting Talented People with Your Company Mission with Robert Netzly at Inspire Investing

Every company wants to hire the best employees. In our current economy, attracting talented people is one of the biggest challenges they face. There is no easy fix, but the process of attracting talented people is a competitive advantage. Today’s guest is Robert Netzly, President and CEO at Inspire Investing. Inc Magazine ranked his company #1136 on the 2020 Inc 5000 list. Inspire Investing is a leading innovator in the biblically responsible investing (BRI) movement, providing low-cost, high-impact BRI solutions to institutions, advisors, and investors to inspire transformation for God’s glory throughout the world. Robert gives us his strategy to attracting talented people. He provides the simple approaches that have worked as they have scaled up their company.

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Robert Netzly: The Transcript

About: Robert Netzly is the CEO and Founder of Inspire. He is responsible for strategic vision and keeping the firm fanatically focused on our mission to inspire transformation for God’s glory throughout the world by providing biblically responsible investments that create meaningful change in the lives of people across the globe. Robert is a globally recognized authority on the biblically responsible investing (BRI) movement, is frequently cited in major financial media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Fox Business, and Financial Times, and is a trend-setting thought leader regarding best practices for design and implementation of biblical investment strategies for institutions, professional money management, and retail investors.

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Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

Robert Netzly: Our stated values are a blessing, excellent stewardship, and transformation, our best values be EST. And so that, I mean, that vernacular, we’re always talking about how is this decision, like a blessing to everybody involved? Like, is this really excellent? Like we’re representing our Lord and savior to the world. This better be pretty darn good. Right. We need to have a high level of excellence. Stewardship. We realize this business isn’t ours. , this money isn’t ours, both from a, a worldly perspective. Like we’re managing money for other people. We need to be good stewards, but ultimate. All belongs to God. And we do honor him in that we’re stewards need to make decisions in line that would line up with what he wants us to do with his assets. Then transformation is this really moving the needle forward and helping, , to inspire transformation, you know, change the way the world is working in a better way to help humans flourish. According to God’s design for his creation.

Intro: Welcome to Growth Think Tank this is the one and only place where you will get insight from the founders and the CEOs, the fastest growing privately held companies. I am the host. My name is Gene Hammett. [00:01:00] I hope leaders and their teams navigate the defining moments of their growth. Are you ready to grow?

Gene Hammett: Today we look at attracting talented people and you do this with a lot of different things inside your company. But the special piece behind this is we look at the importance of your mission and the values of the company really do mean something. If you want the right people to work with you, attracting talented people has become very difficult. This job market is not easy. There’s a lot of factors at play here, whether it be, , you know, unemployment factors and whatnot. But most of the clients I work with have very high, skilled positions open, and they’re not necessarily people that, don’t already have jobs if you will, but they are looking for people and they’re looking for the right people and attracting talented people to your company takes you getting a lot of things right. But you ideally, you want to create. Be a magnet for your people that are best for you, you want to make sure you know what that looks like, and you want to make sure you have the systems in place that allows you to identify that and bring them on board with ease, attracting talented people may be the difference between you scaling up to double or triple your size from here or struggling, frankly, because I talked to a lot of leaders that are struggling getting the right people inside the organization.

Today’s special guest is Robert Netzly. He is the CEO founder of Inspire Investing. They’re a mission-driven organization. They have a financial services company that is really based on biblical values, and they want to make sure that all of the customers they have are aligned to those physical values. The investments that they make are all aligned with those biblical. But on top of that, they are attracting incredible employees that are talented and really moving the needle for the company, because those people are aligned with the mission of the company. That’s what we impact today with Robert, we go through a lot of the different aspects of it.

What you’ll really find valuable is the very end of this interview. We talked about what a disagree and commit. Means and what it really can do for your organization when you get this right. Disagree and commit is something that you’ll have to go all the way to the end to listen to, but it will help you become a better leader. If you’re curious about what it takes to go to the next step in your leadership and what are the things that you’re missing, whether it be structured, systems or really just how you evolve as a leader to the next level. Then you want to make sure you check out the fast growth boardroom. We have created some of the founders and CEOs of fast-growth companies. We do some fun things like racing cars and doom buddies, but we really focus on how do you become the best leader? How do you create leadership? That is a driving force in the business. Not just at the CEO level, but across the executive team and down throughout the organization, fast-growth boardroom is a place where you can be the best leader you want to be.

You just got to go there, check it out. If you think you are a good fit, just apply. We’ll get on the phone. We’ll talk. There’s no commitment for this. There’s no cost. But I want to help you figure out your game plan to growth through this idea of increased leadership or being an extraordinary leader. Just go to Now here’s the interview with Robert.

Robert, how are you?

Robert Netzly: I’m doing great. Gene, how are you doing?

Gene Hammett: I am fantastic. Excited to have you on Growth Think Tank we have a featured, a lot of founders and CEOs from the Inc 5,000. You’re one of them. So I’m excited to talk to you today.

Robert Netzly: Yeah, likewise.

Gene Hammett: Before we get started, I’ve already let it audience do a little bit about you. I want you to tell us about the company. So tell us about Inspire Investing

Robert Netzly: Inspire Investing is a, a biblically responsible investment firm. So we help, essentially investors, identify companies that are positive, inspiring align with biblical values and, you know, and also provide a good investment thesis. And we do that in a variety of. We have exchange-traded funds that we manage the near-stock exchange. We work with direct clients and our wealth management offices around the country and get a FinTech platform and a few other projects in iron in the fire.

Gene Hammett: Well, you know, the first thing that comes to my mind around this is you could do investing for anyone, but I guess over time, More recently, you’ve decided to really be focused on this biblical and that’s, that’s really your niche of investing. Is that fair to say?

Robert Netzly: That’s that’s , I mean, there’s no other reason we’re in business other than that.

Gene Hammett: I want to look at some of the factors that have positioned you guys. In this market, but I’m just taking a moment to look at the niche. A lot of people think niching is about the marketing and the customers you go after. But I want to look at it from a different perspective with you. You’re bringing on people that believe in this mission, just as much as you do. And, and that’s really a benefit to the company. Tell us a little bit about that benefit.

Robert Netzly: Yeah. I mean, we’ve all heard the term raving fans, right. And it’s this idea that, customers can and should be more than just customers. they should be fans of your business. And with that with our company, I mean, we are definitely a missionally driven business. Like our mission is to inspire transformation for gospel throughout the world, by typically responsible and vesting innovation and excellence. And you know, when we connect with our customers who are investors all over the world and financial advisors, as well, we’re connecting with some really deeply held beliefs and values. And, you know, there are, these, these people are ordering their lives. Their faith and to align their values with what they do on a daily basis. There’s a verse in the Bible. First Corinthians [10:31] says, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Basically everything you do, , as a Christian should be for the glory of God. And so we’re in finance, we’re in investments. And so that’s, we’re trying to do that investing for the glory of God. And there are millions and millions and millions of people around the world that would like to do the same thing.

So we’re helping them. You’re turning back telling that story. Here’s how we can connect your deeply held values and beliefs. Something you’d care deeply about with a very practical part of your life, , in a real tangible way. And the result has been truly raving fans that tell all their friends, all their family, and are extremely loyal and have a totally different view of our company. I mean, there they call us, they say, they’re praying for us. They send us notes all the time, emails, Twitter messages. It’s just that it’s so exciting. I mean, having worked in the secular traditional. , businesses of some of the largest companies in America versus, you know, it’s night and day.

Gene Hammett: So I get those benefits. My real question behind this is what are the benefits behind having this mission-driven organization specifically around the biblical values for attracting the right talent for your Company?. Have you seen a benefit there?

Robert Netzly: Oh yes. As far as a talent for a company, we’ve never really had to place a help. One at ad really a very limited, we are inundated by just extremely competent professionals who find out about what we’re doing and just want to work with our business. I interviewed a computer scientist yesterday who is, you know, incredibly bright, and is begging to work with our company. And he’s got other offers on the table and he just told me straight, like, look, I, I just believe in what you’re doing. I want to work for your company. I will take lower pay if I had to. You know, these other offers are or anything like that, but he’s just telling us like, look, I’d rather work for your business for less money than work anywhere else. Like this is what I want to do with my life. And, that’s been consistent across, , our, , our growth trajectory is, , we attract incredibly missionally aligned. Staff who work harder, work longer for the right reasons who don’t create frustrations in business, who are willing to, you know, go through the inevitable bumps and friction points of a rapidly growing company with, you know, joy in their hearts and really pitch in to help make this thing go rather than just thinking about themselves. And, , it, it, it, it’s a different team dynamic and makes the business much healthier.

Commentary: Now for a second, Robert just said something really interesting that people will work for less pay. Let’s look at that specific. If you create an organization that the culture is strong, it’s supportive. You communicate really well with each other. You provide a growth plan for people. You create space for people to feel safe, and you are truly leading them so that they feel supported. They feel heard and valued. Then you will have a much easier chance to attract more people to help you move the business forward, help you continue scaling. So it’s this ever-evolving circle of things. Create a great place right now and attract great talent based on that. Now, when you get this right, you have a force inside the business that really does generate new employees. Here’s how it works. If it’s a great place to work. Then those employees that are there now will tell their friends. And they will only tell people that are really a good fit for keeping it a great place to work. They won’t go out to the people that are difficult or cause problems. They’re political, they’re gossipers. They will go to people cause they want to protect that culture. But you have to be intentional about what that culture is. And they will do it for less pay. Robert said it, I’m just putting a spotlight on it for here today so that you can actually be intentional about the culture that you’re creating and making it a great place to work back to Robert.

Gene Hammett: I know you’ve worked in some other places, some really big companies, and we don’t have to throw anybody under the bus here, but you know, that’s not typical, right?

Robert Netzly: Yeah. To put it, to put it mildly, right. I mean, corporate America corporate anywhere, , is not really known for, , you know, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It’s more of a. Do unto others before they do unto you in some cases or, , you know, just really looking out for yourself, looking out for number one, is the whole climb, the corporate ladder, but that’s, yeah, that’s not the case here. And I think, and there are certain, some secular companies, other businesses. Faith-based in nature that can, that do have that same, a spree decor. When they really focus around a mission, that’s bigger than that. Like a more altruistic let’s go change the world together, mission. , and, so it’s not just us, right? I mean, I’m sure there are people listening here that have that going on for them.

And so this is just an encouragement that that is something to nurture and to seek after and to make sure you don’t drift away from as your business grows.

Gene Hammett: Yeah. You know, the first thing that comes to my mind and I’ve talked about it on the podcast before is a brand called Patagonia. You’re probably familiar with them.

And their mission is really around planet earth and really the conservation and protection of planet earth. And they give back money in that, but all of the employees and they don’t have to do job ads either are so aligned with that mission. You’re seeing that same benefit with your biblical values focus on business and mission. And I just want to put a highlight on that for just a moment here. That is, , you know, a lot of people struggle with getting talented employees and did, was this a very intentional piece to, to making this selection? I know it comes from your heart. I’m a Christian too. And I really do believe in, and, you know, following God’s word and doing everything I can along that, but you, most people don’t do that in our professional world. Was this an added benefit to making that choice or a conscious benefit?

Robert Netzly: Yeah, I, so I did not, wake up one day and say, Hey, I want to start a business. , as soon as it came out of a conviction of my conscience, I couldn’t do my job with a clean, conscious anymore Wells Fargo. And I realized that here I am, the president of our pro-life pregnancy center, and I own three stocks and companies manufacturing abortion drugs. I get just, you know, clash. Completely. I just couldn’t do my job. So there really was no intentional, like, Hmm. If I start a mission-driven business, I’ll be able to track better time, talent, and I’ll have raving fans. I’ll, you know, whatever it was really, I can’t do my job anymore at my previous firm and I needed to do something different, and really is, it’s just been a blessing to realize the benefits of having a mission-driven, Genesis story. I, yes, that has, you know, I’ve learned along the way, , those benefits benefits to the business. , but it wasn’t like an intentional part of a business plan, you know, when we were starting out.

Gene Hammett: You know, the funny thing is if you go back and read the Patagonia store, And I think it’s yeah, I was,  totally messed up. I can’t, I can’t say, , he, he’s a, he’s a reluctant entrepreneur as well. So you have that in common with, with someone that I admire a lot. When you think about leading this group of talented people on a mission, what would we see on a regular basis inside your business? That lets us know that this mission is not just something you put out there for marketing, that it is truly the way you live inside the organization, outside the organization. And is. A consistent thing throughout everything you do.

Robert Netzly: We start and end every meeting with prayer, no matter what we’re talking about, you know, new paint on the wall or whatever. I mean, anytime we get people together, like we start and end with prayer, right? , that’s pretty intentional. We yesterday we just finished moving into a really brand new office. Like we’re expanding, we need a new space, just moved in and some amazing place we have this bell, we hang on the wall and to kind of remind us of, you know, the New York stock exchange. We get to ring the bell three times so far on the nicely, but this bell, we ring every time we get, , you know, growth in our ETFs. And, these orders come through well, before we hung it up on the wall like everybody got to sign the back of this like a wood frame that it’s in to signify every time that we ring that bell, like you, ‘re a part of the inspiring transformation for God’s glory. Like everybody in this. You know, is part of that story, whether you’re answering the phone at the front desk or you’re managing the portfolios of billions of dollars, you know, you’re part of it.

And, so there’s some tangible ways. We also, , you know, in the break room, we’ve got a big corkboard thing. We hang up all the emails and all this stuff that we get from people all over the world with just gushing, enthusiasm, and pouring out their thanks to, , inspire for being able to get away to. You know, integrate these deeply held values into their financial life. Things that they’ve wanted to do, these clients have wanted to do for a long time. Didn’t even know it was possible how to do it. And when they find inspiring, it’s like, thank God. Here’s what I’ve been looking for for years. And now I can do this. And so we, we keep it up front and center and just as some of the, you know, really practical ways we do that on a daily basis.

Gene Hammett: You mentioned the values the company has. I’ve found that fast-growth companies have values. All of us do, whether, they live by them or not. But, is this a conscious thing that you guys do on a daily basis inside meetings and side conversations, to make sure that everyone stays aligned with the values that, that go underneath this mission that you have defined for the company?

Robert Netzly: Yeah, our stated values are blessing excellent stewardship and transformation, our best values be EST. And so that, I mean, that vernacular we’re always. How is this decision like a blessing to everybody involved? Like, is this really excellent? Like we’re representing our Lord and savior to the world. This better be pretty darn good. Right? We need to have a high level of excellence. Stewardship. We realized this business isn’t ours this money, isn’t ours, both from, , a worldly perspective. Like we’re managing money for other people. We need to be good stewards, but ultimately this all belongs to God and we need to honor him in that we’re stewards need to make decisions. With lineup with what he wants us to do with his assets. And then transformation is this really moving the needle forward and helping, , to inspire transformation, you know, change, , the way the world is working in a better way to, you know, help humans flourish, according to God’s design for his creation. Right? And, so it’s always about our best values in our, and our staff really needs to speak the same language, when we’re having conversations around those values.

Commentary: Now, Robert just talked about the values of the company living the values. Really is something different than just having values. The big difference here is living values is constant daily progress of really mentioning the values, sharing stories, recognizing people, but most companies don’t live the values. They just have values when you create the kind of organization that really does live with the value. Then you’re able to bring on the right people. You’re able to onboard them. You’re able to support them and help them grow work through difficult challenges because those values are very supportive and they guide you and them to the next level. You make decisions through these values and living the values is something I’ve seen is very constant and fast-growth companies that are considered a great place to work, considered a, you know, a magnet for attracting talented people and for growing the company beyond where it is today. You want to make sure that you have all the key factors, if you’re not sure what that means, I’ve done some pre-work around this. Just reach out to me by email at [email protected]. Happy to share with you that free training. , I don’t have a signup page or anything like that. There are no signups. Just send me an email. Happy to share that with you. If you want to learn more about living the. Now back to Robert.

Gene Hammett: Robert, you have shared with us a lot of the background of the mission, and I know a lot, a bunch of entrepreneurs have made some mistakes in their journeys. Would you be willing to share a mistake that we could learn from that you’re willing to openly discuss today?

Robert Netzly: Yeah, that’s a good question. I mean, I, there’s so many to choose from just, , you know, my, , is personally, so I am probably a lot, like many people watching this. Entrepreneur, like very driven, , you know, high driven personality, , people naturally, you know, my emotion, I don’t really have any emotions, I guess, you know, according to these personality profiles I take, like, I don’t get my feelings hurt. I don’t really know that other people have feelings, you know, those kinds of things. , so, you know, if anything, I will have a tendency to just kind of say like, here, we’re going to like steamroll through. And if somebody was in the way, I’m sorry, I didn’t really notice that you were there. , so I just had to intentionally. Make sure that, you know, just grow in those areas that are not natural to me to be more empathetic and understand and, and reach out. , you know, one-on-one like if there’s a meeting or something and, you know, I said XYZ people were, you know, it was kind of feel there are some stressors in their attention.

They’re like, know how to, you know, circle out on that person, tease that out of them because the other, the other driver. I have such a strong vision and strong opinions that oftentimes those that are not so, you know, different opposite personality than mine, they won’t speak up, in a meeting when they disagree with something. I have to say when I really do want to hear they’re disagreeing like I want to hear other perspectives, but because mine is so convicted and I’m the CEO, oftentimes people don’t, , share what is really on their heart and that makes bad decisions. So I’ve had to learn how to. You know, not temper my enthusiasm, but help others feel more like really welcome and safe to share their dissenting opinion in a meeting and, , you know, know that I’m not just gonna, you know, I’m not gonna get in trouble, you know, I want and value their feedback. , and so that’s been a kind of a personal skill that I’ve had to learn and have certainly, you know, misstepped previous years and conversations.

Gene Hammett: I appreciate you sharing that with us. I think we’ve all got places where we have grown from. We’re growing too, and mistakes are natural. So I’m glad that you opened that up, but I do want to put a spotlight on this. , asking people to disagree with you. I wrote down here, I want to hear there’s disagreement. , how do you create a space where people feel welcome to do that? And they feel safe to do it. What are the specifics that you’ve learned that work?

Robert Netzly: So it starts with just having a transparent business culture. Like we don’t keep things from each other. I mean, obviously, there are things that are, you know, legally we can’t share, you know, HR stuff with him, with the entire staff, but, You know, just being very transparent and being honest, , about how we’re feeling it starts with me. So, I mean, if there’s something bugging me or whatever like I’ll share it, but not in a, you know, not in an argumentative or hurtful or like bitter way. Just very matter of fact, you know, openness. And, , also just practically when we’re sitting around the boardroom or meeting table, And you just kind of get a sense that somebody has something to say, but they’re not saying it is to asking directly like, Hey Jim, it seems like you might want to say something like, what is, what, what are your thoughts on this? Like, I would love to hear what you really think about this, and really it’s kind of giving me the opportunity and press into it. , and then, showing by example again, Just the ongoing business of the company that when people do disagree, I don’t me or others are just coming like pilot on it, like, oh, that’s a terrible idea.

Like, thanks for sharing your story. And then, you know, totally crush it, you know? And so when they see if that is happening, like no one’s going to talk. Right. , so they can see when other people dissent and share their dissenting opinions and it’s actually valued. And maybe even the decision. Changed because of what they, , shared and that I don’t get my feelings hurt and other leaders aren’t getting their feelings hurt or, you know, there’s no retaliation. That’s the kind of culture that creates, , openness and willing to, you know, again, disagree. But then we all leave the meeting room by committing. I disagree and commit. Right. Cause , we want to have, if there are five people in the room, there are five different opinions. , but we have to leave with one decision and that’s where our mission and vision, and values come in as the north star is sick among all our spring opinions, how are we going to move forward towards the vision aligned?

And yet, even though we all might have different opinions on certain aspects of the strategy, we’re going to commit to what the final decision is and feel good about it. And like we’re all in.

Gene Hammett: I want to go deeper on two things there. The first one is really short. And I’m just kind of curious if this is something you’ve just had to learn, but you mentioned, you know, asking someone directly a question, are you reading their body language or is it just, you know, someone usually disagrees at this point with this type of idea and you know that they’ve got something to say that may add value to it or is it really the body language stuff or combination?

Robert Netzly: It’s combination? I mean, sometimes you’ll have liked, I’ll hear, you know, in other meetings or something that so-and-so has a different opinion and they weren’t really sharing. And I’m just like, okay, I’m going to ask them specifically what they think about this in the meeting.

Gene Hammett: Okay.

Robert Netzly: Occasionally, occasionally that’s like, but more often, you know, just picking up on their body language or if I know their personality is generally more reserved, like I’m going to have to tease this out of them. , but you know, you just kinda know someone’s sitting there. They’re being quiet.

Gene Hammett: Yep. I think it’s just a matter of just you looking for those cues. The other question I had, and we’ll wrap up with this one question is this decide and commit I’ve, I’ve had conversations with many clients around this. You’ve described it pretty well. I just want you to go a little bit deeper with this concept of we’re going to talk about whatever idea this is. Whether it’s a new investment or a marketing idea or types of customers or whatever. But you’re going to have some healthy conflict, but before you leave the meeting is your goal is to say, okay, we’ve disagreed, but now we have to commit, move forward. Tell me just a little bit more about how that works inside these heated meetings?

Robert Netzly:  Yeah, it’s super important, I mean, we, we need to, , come together. So how that works. Again, you foster openness, you foster disagreement. We people feel safe and , like they’re not going to get retaliated against or whatever. Right. So everyone’s sharing their honest opinions, honest feedback. Nothing’s off the table. , as far as you know, what do you think about this idea? And then, you know, I, again, I try to speak less than everybody else because ultimately as a CEO, I’m going to make the decision. , if it comes down to like, there’s no consensus, which there’s not usually consensus, I’m going to have to make a decision here. Right. But if I’m just the one talking, you know, if this person talks and then I answered and this person talks and then I answer, and this person talks and I answer, like, that’s not healthy.

And so I will, I purposely just like, sit there like this and listen, you know, and there are sometimes pregnant pauses. Like they’re kind of everyone like looking at me like, well, what do you think? Like, I don’t want you to know what I think, because then you’re not going to say what you think. So I just like, no, what do you think. And, and people get it. Like they, then they, it really kind of livens up the room. Cause then they everyone’s talking to each other. , they’re not just waiting on, you know, CEO man to tell them what to think. And, that’s where healthy discussions really happened. And then once I feel like, okay, we’ve really heard from around the room, we’ve got some good ideas. Maybe I’ve been writing things on a whiteboard or something without talking, or maybe I’ll interject kind of, you know, dig in deeper. If someone shares an opinion, like, Hey, that’s interesting. Like what, tell me what you mean by. I say this, what do you mean by that? Or what do you think about that to get other people talking?

And, , once we get all the information, I make a decision, right? Or make a decision, or usually the decision is pretty obvious what might be the best way forward, in light of our values. So, and then we leave the room committed, you know, and. Rarely, is there a time when people are kind of upset that we made a certain decision and, , you know, again, they might disagree, but they’re not upset. You know, this is how we do business and they felt heard, they felt validated. And like, here we go like it’s in line with the mission and we’re ready to roll. , if they’re in those rare times that maybe somebody did get their feelings hurt in a meeting, or they just didn’t feel. Like it’s like, this was really the bad decision. They’re kind of upset about it or concerned about it. I’ll circle back with them on a one-on-one basis, like later and kind of just have a conversation, take them to coffee or something like that, or, or meet with them and, and do whatever needs to be done to help things out.

Gene Hammett: Robert, I appreciate you going through that a lot of people need to hear this particular experience, not just from me all the time, but from people that are living at a it’s one thing for the executive coach that’s is having this conversation to say, this is kind of the way this typically works. But for you to say, this is how we have decided to work together. We want there. And they want them to feel safe to share it. And, and this whole, you know, just wrapping it up with disagree and commit before we leave the meeting, sorta sounds like that whole rule of don’t go to bed mad.

Robert Netzly: Suddenly go down and your anger, right?

Gene Hammett: Yeah. , so there, there is some, some overlap with good relationships. And great business relationships too. So Robert, thanks for being here on the show.

Robert Netzly: My pleasure. Thanks for having me, Gene.

Gene Hammett: My job is to bring you the best content I can. I reach out and find people that I admire and inspire to be great leaders. And I want to have those conversations just like I did with Robert here today. So I know Robert’s listening in on this, but I really the recap to get behind this. You want to really clarify your mission so that not just so that you are getting the right customers, that’s a benefit, but you want to make sure the right people are coming on board because they will have more loyalty. They will work through challenges and they will stay and be committed. He even said they’re willing to take less money. So think about that for a second. , and then finally just looking at the values and looking at how they are able to align around those things. And even disagree and come together to commit moving forward.

These is the marks of a great organization and great leadership. If you’re trying to understand what your next step in leadership is, you might want to check out some of the free resources we have. The podcast can help you. But if you think you need more support, I’d love to, to give you my services to help create a game plan. We have a community of. CEOs of fast-growth companies. You may be a good fit for that. If you want to check that out, just go to and you can apply love to talk to you about what you’re doing next, absolutely free, but I want to help you be the best leader you can be, create the place where people don’t want to leave from when you think about growth and think about leadership.

Think of Growth Think Tank as always, lead with courage, see you next time.

Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.




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