022 Larry Winget | Don’t be Stupid, You Can’t Be All Things to All People
Hold on to your socks here! Larry Winget tells it like it is whether you like it or not. Larry has written six best-selling New York Times books, such as “Grow a Pair” and “People are Idiots and I Can Prove It!”.
Larry is also one of the highest paid speakers in the world, but don’t you dare call him a motivational speaker. Larry says what no one else will tell you. When it comes to “getting out of the trenches”, Larry shares some great stories and tips about how to shift your business into a new gear. The formula is easy: “Hard Work + Excellence = Success”. And remember you can’t be all things to all people, so be clear what you stand for and TAKE ACTION!
Share the LOVE and TWEET about this episode. Larry’s Target Audience: Larry’s target market is people who are ready to get down to brass tacks and ready to work to make their dreams a reality. Larry’s audience is people who are committed to success and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to get there.
Larry Winget has been called The Pitbull of Personal Development because of his no-holds barred, direct and candid style. Where other speakers talk about finding your passion and your excellence, Larry believes passion is NOT the thing that should drive your business. He believes in commitment, sacrifice and hard work to achieve success.
And he has the track record to prove it. Larry is a multi-million dollar speaker who is in demand for his keynote speeches; he’s also in high demand off-stage as a speaking coach. His coaching clients have to prove they are willing to follow Larry’s guidance; he says he won’t work with just anyone who can afford his fees, he has to see and know they are committed.
Regardless of what you think about Larry's teachings, you have to respect all he has accomplished and his no-nonsense beliefs about creating success. In this interview, Larry is his usual colorful self full of energy, direct advice and concrete action.
In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover:
- What is passion according to Larry?
- His realistic approach to what he does for a living.
- The two questions Larry says to ask yourself that will help you be successful.
- Larry’s definition of commitment.
- The difference between winners and losers, according to Larry.
- The 3 reasons people don’t do something: what are they?
- Larry shares what to do if you are just getting by.
- Why he disqualifies – rather than qualifies an opportunity, a prospect, etc.
Practical & Actionable (at 28:10):
All of what Larry shares is practical and actionable, but here is a specific exercise he recommends to be successful in your life.
You’ll need three sheets of paper and a pen or pencil.
1) Take one piece of paper…write down where you are in your life and business right now.
2) Take the second sheet of paper…write down where you want to be in your life and business.
3) Take the final sheet of paper…(this is the important part)…write down what you are going to give up to have what you want.
Many people will not do this simple exercise or they will just think about these three areas. That’s a mistake, get out those three sheets of paper and do it now. And then share in the comments below what you are giving up; you are setting the challenge for yourself!
- Larry’s web site
- Larry on Twitter
- Larry’s fan page on Facebook
- Larry’s Books: Grow A Pair, People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It!: The 10 Ways You Are Sabotaging Yourself and How You Can Overcome Them , You’re Broke Because You Want to Be: How to Stop Getting By and Start Getting Ahead
- Share the LOVE and TWEET about this episode.
Here are just some of Larry’s Books:
To give Larry a shout out for being on the show, follow him and send him a message: Larry Winget and connect with me too on LinkedIn or Twitter at @genehammett.
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Gene, Great show and awesome content as always! I love how Larry is passionnate (!!) telling people that Passion is BS…!
Laughing…I did not think of it that way, but so true about his passion. I am glad you liked the show.