296 | What I Learned To Help You Grow – Year End Review

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Gene Hammett

On this episode, I take a moment to reflect back on all the wins and lessons learned over 2017. Plus, I share what I’ve got planned for 2018. This year marked the year where I got to publish my book “The Trap of Success.” I also got to speak on stage 25 different times. It’s been a productive years and I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve got coming up in 2018!

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Target Audience: I serve committed leaders who are not afraid of doing the work to create a thriving business. They willingly muster the courage to create the life they have always wanted.

Wins for 2017

2017 has marked the year where I experienced phenomenal growth in terms of profits and revenue for my clients. I watched them develop their Marketing strategies and grow their teams. Many of them even spoke on great stages.

Publishing The Trap of Success

Yes, it did take about 6-7 months longer than I thought it would, but the feedback and reviews have been amazing. I’m happy to say that it has lead to some new clients and speaking gigs. The book is also now available on Audible.

I want to offer you a prize. Just, send an email to: [email protected] and put “Audio Book” in the subject line. I am going to be giving the book away to the first 5 people!

Getting on Stage

In 2017, I set out to speak at about 20 places and ended up speaking at about 25. It felt great to be connecting with people and it feels good to know that my message from the stage is doing that.

I love to speak because it allows me to give as much as I can and create some intimacy between myself and my audience.

I’m excited about speaking at a conference in February. It will be focused on hypergrowth.

I’m also excited because Brene Brown will be opening the conference as the keynote speaker and I am a huge fan of hers. I will be the keynote on the second day of the conference. I am so stoked to be in the same category as someone I have looked up to and admired. I am evolving into the kind of speaker i really want to be.

My Workshops in 2018

I am looking forward to hosting The Ownership Workshop. This will center around claiming ownership so for business growth.

It will also cover “Distractions vs. Opportunities.” and learning how to filter things out.

I am also planning on focusing on guiding my clients into creating daily and weekly behaviors that become a framework for growth. An important thing to have is a morning routine. Having a daily behavior to tune into to connect sets a foundation and intention for the day. Helps you to understand who you are being every day.

The concept of ownership is also about being a “finisher” – not just a starter. I will show you how to filter out the distractions and finish things to a level where you can also get some feedback on it. The whole basis of business boils down to this.

In this episode we’ll cover:

  • How my clients grew in 2017
  • How speaking has created deeper connection with my audience
  • The opportunities that have come from publishing my book
  • My workshop coming up in 2018
  • Filtering out distractions vs. opportunities

Resources and Links

How is your business going…would you like to talk about it?

I love my audience of listeners. I really do. I would love to help you in some way. I started doing calls with listeners and realized that it was a great way to understand you.

Okay, then I formalized the process to offer a Results Roadmap… it is a private one-on-one call with me about your business. I want to help you see your roadmap with more clarity and confidence. Find out more about the Results Roadmap (it takes you to my personal website). This is not a sales pitch. Let me serve you.


And lastly, please leave a rating and review for the Leaders in the Trenches on iTunes (or Stitcher) – it will help us in many ways, but it also inspires us to keep doing what we are doing here. Thank you in advance!