243 | Recap of 2016 with Gene Hammett

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Gene Hammett

 Join us on this very special episode where I share the good, the bad and the ugly of 2016. I talk about what worked, what didn’t and the transformational changes I am going through. I get real and vulnerable about what the Trap of Success means to me and how to reach for more than a comfort zone. Plus, I share some of the exciting upcoming projects I’ve got going on to help you step up your game.

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Target Audience: Gene serves individuals who are committed. They already are or are on their way to becoming leaders. They are not afraid of doing the work to create a thriving business.

I started off the year 2016 with 3 words which set an intention, a tone, a theme. Those words were:

  • Focus
  • Connection
  • Transformation

On this episode, I want to share with you how I grew internally and how that showed up in my business.
Why this episode?

  1. I want you to understand me. It’s about genuine and authentic connection. It is important for me to show who I am.
  2. I want to help you make better decisions for you, your business and your life. My purpose in sharing myself is to help you grow forward.

FOCUS: What it means to me…

I chose the word FOCUS because I realized that I was losing out on opportunities. I was spread across too many different projects.

So, I decided to engage in a “100 Day Challenge” back in January. I committed to having 100 conversations. The outcome of that was I got 4 speaking gigs, new clients and partnerships. This was all because I forced myself to focus on making those phone calls. I released that filter of fear to call someone I didn’t know. A breakthrough for me was when I transformed the barriers. After doing this in the beginning of 2016, I received a fantastic jolt in my business.

Writing My Book: The Trap of Success

This was admittedly a tough process. I heard so many people say, “The best book you’ll ever read, is the book you write yourself.” I delved into the concept of fear- how it impacts me and others. I martialled through that and now I am ready to amp that up to the next level in the coming year.


I got a few paid gigs. And there were other gigs that got me clients. I also go to help others get speaking gigs that connected them to potential clients.

The RIGHT Clients

I had some instances of having a funny feeling when enrolling people. I had this gut feeling where I knew it wasn’t going to be right. But, I took them on anyway. And this ended up sucking time and energy out of me. I realized that when I focus on choosing the right clients- those I’d have dinner with maybe – (or people I just truly enjoy being around) those are usually the right fit. My clients are those whom I like at the core and I happen to also appreciate the impact they are making.


Such an important word. The intention of this word stemmed from a desire to be more present for others. I want to be there for clients and people in my life. For instance, when it comes to speaking, it is more than just words. I realized that there is a unique mechanism there- which is your uniqueness. It is something no one else has- yet it can be a scary to show your true self. Yet, it allows others to see you in a different light. It allows them to select you as THE choice, not just A choice.

For example, when I work with a client who wants to take speaking to the next level, I focus on helping them identify where they are speaking, getting the right speech in front of the right audience and how to deliver that speech in the right way. That maximizes CONNECTION.

Without the right audience, your message cannot be heard. Writing the speech with the connection in mind, helps you to write a speech that moves the audience. This is where Connection trumps Communication.  



I shifted my own perception of how I see the world. I am still shifting into the person that I want to be in order to receive the results and goals important to me for my growth and significance.

What Were My Struggles?

Patience. Not my strong suit. I realized growth comes from pain and adversity and it continues. Those are moments for growth and an opportunity to step in. Time management is huge. I know now that I must hone in on what’s really important so that I have maximum energy to execute on those things. Having that down time to recharge is equally as important.


2017 & What’s Coming Up!

My word for 2017 UNSTOPPABLE. What does that mean? To me, it means having clarity and direction to move forward.
The Trap of Success in coming out. Go here to access it. 

Download the first 2 chapters. Do what’s inside the book and let me know what impact is coming up for you.

Authority Camp is also coming out. This is a self study/virtual program on how to use speaking to get clients. It is about discovering and booking the right gigs. It will teach you how to write the speech that can be used over and over again. A free training will be available. Stay tuned!



In this episode we’ll cover:

  • The good, the bad and the ugly of 2016
  • How Focus, Connection & Transformation played out in 2016
  • My struggle with patience
  • The vulnerability it takes to connect with others
  • What I’ve got coming up for you in 2017


Practical and Actionable:

Download the first 2 chapters of The Trap of Success HERE. 

Do what’s inside the book and let me know what impact is coming up for you by getting in touch with me for a conversation.


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