how to get on podcast

How to Get on a Podcast

how to get on podcastDo you want to know how to get on a podcast?  You likely know the power of podcasting, and very likely you are a listener to a few podcasts. Podcasts listeners are growing and can be powerful in attracting prospects to your business. Even the smaller shows are worth it. The average podcast show is just under 30 minutes. The average listener is listening to 80% of the show. That is intimately listening with headphones while driving or working out (the most common times people listen to podcasts).

Stats on Podcasting from Nielsen Report, Aug 2017:

  • 50% of all US homes are podcast fans in 2017
  • Podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 different shows per week, up from 5 in 2017
  • 17% (48 million) listen to podcasts weekly – up from 15% in 2017
  • 45% of monthly podcast listeners have household income over $75K – vs 35% for the total population

Many Benefits of Podcast Interviews

One huge benefit to being a guest on a podcast is you can really zero into an audience that is relevant to your message.  There is a podcast for everything from business, health, marketing, leadership, history, TV shows, and so much more.

When you learn the strategies on how to get on a podcast, you will have a chance to give your message to the audience that if done will cause them to see you as a trusted advisor.

Most Approaches to Get On Shows are BAD…

There are tons of resources that will tell you how to get on podcasts. Most of it is ineffective advice.  There are many articles that will tell you can write a “pitch email” and send it out. This is a really bad strategy. Most podcasts get dozens of “pitches” every month and rarely take any from those random emails. I get 60+ pitches each month for my podcast Leaders in the Trenches. It is crazy how many people want to be on the show. I do have a popular show that has been honored by Inc and Entrepreneur Magazines as top podcast for leaders. The show gets thousands of downloads per show with leaders that in CEOs of companies from $1million to about $10million in revenue. I am not bragging with this, but I share to let you know who my audience is.

I can only take one or so per month from pitches (really less than one per month, but who really cares about the exact percentage). The reality is a pitch email is a bad approach.

Most of my guests are selected based on being an expert in an area that I think my audience needs insight. I find my guests that are top speakers, authors of books and leaders of fast-growing companies.

Most Pitch Emails Suck

They are all very similar. It is all about them. It is “look at what I have done” or “you must have me on your show” and it gets old. I call this the “I’m awesome email.” This all you get with PR companies. Most are boring and don’t have value to my show. You have to research the show to make this work for you or be a semi-famous person. Discover how to get on a podcast by avoiding pitching yourself.

Be Proactive

One area that is very important is you must avoid waiting to be discovered. Get intentional and proactive about the shows that you would like to be a guest on. It is rare that you will be discovered as often as you want.

The Right Approach is to Start With a Relationship Before You Pitch

Podcasters are people. Treat them the way you want to be treated. You can use any relationship building techniques you want, but please don’t pitch first.

Here are some easy ways to begin that relationship:

  1. Share impact that the show has had on you. If you have listened to the show and used a strategy or started a ritual, tell the podcast host your story. Let them know your gratitude.
  2. Give a Rating and Review on iTunes and other platforms are huge (screenshot them and let them know you love the show). You can send it in an email or Twitter. Don’t expect to get on the show just because you give a review. You still have to be relevant to the audience of the show. But this will get there attention. Try it and you will see.
  3. Share the show on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook with the guest and host handles included. Be specific and demonstrate that you genuinely know the show and like it.
  4. Send an email praising the show. You can talk about the guests, the topics, the format, the questions, and anything else.
  5. Send an email suggesting a topic. Give thanks for previous content and ask them a question about something you are struggling with. Ask them if they have plans to create a show in that area.

Keep doing these until you get noticed. Even a “thank you” is great. Then engage in a conversation. Get to know the host. Care about them before you pitch yourself.

Keys to Remember in How to Get on a Podcast:

+ Give something
+ Praise them for what they create
+ Don’t pitch until you have connected at some level.


SPECIAL NOTE: Just because you do all these things, does not mean you will get an invite. Podcast hosts are typically very guarded in who they put in front of their audiences. You will have to be a great fit for the audience. You will have to have real value with your message. And you will have to be patient too. You can never go wrong with starting a relationship first.


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